AASL Core Reference List from Woodbury University Library
Choose an appropriate style guide containing format instructions and bibliographic examples.
List citations in paper copy as you proceed with your research.
Refworks can be used to store and manage your citations.
Below are links to guides for the citation styles most commonly used by college students (MLA, APA, and Turabian) as well as other more specialized guides. Be sure to check with your course instructor to determine which style to use for a particular assignment or course.
Note: While the online guides contain helpful tips and examples, the print versions often include more complete information. Titles of print style guides found in SU Library are included below. Search the Libraries Search for specific location information.
MLA Style (Modern Language Association)
Commonly used for: literature, writing, arts, humanities
Print version at SU Library:
APA Style (American Psychological Association)
Commonly used for: psychology, education and other social sciences
Print version at SU Library:
Turabian Style
Commonly used for: College students writing in all subjects
Print version at SU Library:
Specific Disciplines and Formats
Print version: King + King Architecture Library reserve collection has the 15th edition under Z 253.U69 2003.
The Syracuse University Libraries Online Libraries Search, provides access to most library resources. Classic Catalog may be searched by author, title, periodical title, subject, and keyword. Other options like the Boolean command, and limits by date, language, and medium will help you to narrow your search. You may need to try several different strategies depending on your topic. Do not hesitate to contact the Architecture Librarian if you hit a snag. Once you find something that you want to see, note where the item is located, its call number, and its status (available, checked out, in process, etc.).
Find Books
This category includes monographs, exhibition catalogs, museum catalogs, dictionaries, encyclopedias, dissertations, sound recordings, and much more. To find books on a specific architect or artist, search the name as either an AUTHOR or SUBJECT. The artist is often listed as the "author" for exhibition catalogs. Be sure to look at catalogue raisonnés and architecture and art monographs; also note if you are looking at a primary or secondary source.
Find Articles
Periodical databases, including the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals and Art Full Text, may be accessed here. These databases will help you identify specific articles in art, architecture and interior design journals. SU Library does not subscribe to all the periodicals cited in our databases. Try to allow enough time for delivery via Interlibrary Loan should that be necessary.
Find E-Journals
Use the Journals tab on the SU Library homepage to identify electronic journals to which SU Library and SUNY-ESF subscribe. Journals, Newspapers and magazines available through full-text databases are included in this list. In addition to helping you locate individual electronic journal titles, you can also use this locator to retrieve groups of titles that address a specific subject category, like “electrical engineering” or “political science.”
This category includes magazines, journals and newspapers, publications which come out in parts at scheduled intervals of time. They may be published annually, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, or some other established period of time. Certain magazines/ journals/ newspapers are available online. Each interval of publication is called an issue; issues make up a volume. Issues and volumes are identified by a number and/or date. Be sure to note this information when retrieving a journal from the stacks. Older volumes of architecture periodicals are located in the general stacks by call number. Consult Libraries Search by periodical title to locate the call number. Current architecture periodicals are located in the King + King Architecture Library. Current art and interior design periodicals are located on the second floor of Bird Library by title.
How to find information on an architect:
How to find information on a specific building:
How to find information on a specific topic: