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Syracuse University Libraries

Architecture: Architectural Periodicals

Books and other resources added to the Syracuse University Library collections

Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals

The Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals is the primary index for architecture related topics. It indexes more than 2,000 periodicals published worldwide on archaeology, city planning, interior design, and historic preservation, as well as architecture. Coverage is from the 1930s (with selective coverage dating back to the 1860s) to the present. Updated daily.

List of current periodicals indexed by the Avery Index

List of ceased periodicals indexed by the Avery

Current Titles

Retrospective Titles

Bound Periodicals

Certain bound periodical titles are located in the King + King Architecture Library. At present, select N and most NA bound periodicals are located in Bird Library. Titles in other disciplines are located in the Facility. See Delivery Services Information

El Croquis

All of the library's El Croquis issues are kept in Room 301 in call number order. There is a list of topics located near those stacks. The list by architect is posted below.

Recently Ceased Titles held by SU Libraries

306090: A Journal of Emergent Architecture and Design - NA2599.5 .T47

Arkitektur DK - NA6 .A786

Arup Journal - TA217.O94 A78

Aula: Arch. and Urbanism in Las Americas - NA702.5 .A95

Chicago Architectural Journal - NA 1 C47

Competitions - NA2340 .C66

Designer/Builder - NA 1.D485

Hunch - NA2310.N4 H86

Mark: Another Architecture - NA685 .M37

Muqarnas - N6260 .M83; older issues in facility

Old House Interiors - NA7100 .O4

Open Access Journals

Taken from the Directory of Open Access journals, the following titles do have content valuable to architecture:


Architecture and Culture

ISSN: 20507828

Publisher: Bloomsbury Journals

Country: United Kingdom

Language: English

Keywords: architecture

Start Year: 2013


​ARQ (Santiago) - arquitectura, diseño, urbanismo, Chile

ISSN: 07160852

EISSN: 07176996

Publisher: Ediciones ARQ

Country: Chile

Language: Spanish, English

Keywords: architecture

Start year: 2001


CEBE Transactions

ISSN: 17450322

Publisher: Cardiff University

Country: United Kingdom

Language: English

Keywords: education, built-environment pedagogy

Start year: 2004



ISSN: 18751490

EISSN: 18751504

Publisher: Delft School of Design

Country: Netherlands

Language: English

Keywords: architecture, city, theory, urbanism

Start year: 2007


Future Anterior Journal of Historic Preservation History, Theory and Criticism

ISSN: 19346026

Publisher: New York : Historic Preservation Program, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, Columbia University, c2004-

Country: United States

Language: English

Keywords: architecture, conservation, preservation, planning, restoration

Start Year: 2004



ISSN: 19577788


Country: France

Language: English, French

Keywords: urban studies, urban policies, urban geography, urban sociology, urban economy

Start year: 2007


Middle East Technical University Journal of the Faculty of Architecture

ISSN: 02585316

Publisher: Middle East Technical University

Country: Turkey

Language: English, Turkish

Keywords: man-environment relations, design, planning

Start year: 2004


TeMA : Territorio Mobilità e Ambiente

ISSN: 19709889

EISSN: 19709870

Publisher: Università Federico II di Napoli

Country: Italy

Language: Italian

Keywords: urban planning, transport, environment

Start year: 2007

Currently Received List

Most current issues of architectural periodicals are housed in the King + King Architecture Library except for those titles followed by an asterisk(*)

NA673.A12 Link

GA Architect
call number varies; some issues may not be in King + King

AA Files
NA1.A1 A22 Link

GA Document
NA680 .G15 Link (Room 301)

NA4 .A14 Link

GA Houses
NA7126 .G13 Link(Room 301)


GreenSource: The Magazine of Sustainable Design
NA2542.36.G737 Link

AIT (Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Asbau)
NK1700 .I511 Link

Grey Room
NA100 .G74 Link

AMC: Le Moniteur Architecture
OVERSIZE NA1048 .A721 Link

Harvard Design Magazine
NA2300.H352 Link

APT Bulletin
NA105 .A871 Link

Intelligent Buildings International

Arca International
OVERSIZE NA680 .A67 Link

International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC) *

Architect (AIA)
NA1 .A3261 Link

International Journal of Islamic Architecture
NA380 .I5 Link

Architect’s Newspaper
OVERSIZE NA735.N5 A65 Link

Japan Architect (JA)
NA1 .J35 Link

Architects' Journal (AJ)
NA1 .A55 Link

Journal of Architectural Education (JAE)
NA1 .J772 Link

Architectura: Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der Baukunst
NA200 .A6 Link

Journal of Architecture
NA1 .J68 Link; online

Architectural Design (AD)
NA1 .A563; online Link

Journal of Green Building
TH880 J68 Link

Architectural Engineering and Design Management*

Journal of Landscape Architecture (JoLA)

Architectural Record
NA1 .A674 Link

Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH)
NA1 .A327 Link; online

Architectural Research Quarterly (ARQ)
NA1 .A775; online Link

Journal of Urban Design
NA9000 .J68 Link

Architectural Review
NA1 .A69 Link

Landscape Architecture
SB469 .L3 Link; older issues in facility

Architectural Science Review*

Living Architecture: Scandinavian Design*
NA 1208.L58 Link

Architectural Theory Review
NA1 .A725 Link

NA1 .L63 Link

Architecture and Urbanism: a+u (Kenchiku to toshi)
NA9000 .A3 Link

Lotus International
NA9 .L6 Link

Architecture Boston
NA 1 A684 Link

Loud Paper

Architecture d'aujourd 'hui
NA2 .A67 Link

NA735.N5 M47 Link

Architecture Minnesota
NA 730. M6 A73 Link

New Geographies
NA9000 Link

Architecture Today
NA1 .A734 Link

N1. O175 Link

N3. W383;Link older issues in facility

Old House Journal 
NA7100 .O4 Link

Arkkitehti: Finnish Architectural Review
NA6 .A793 Link

Oz Journal
NA712 .O9 Link

NA673.A76 Link

NA1 .P46; online

Arquitectura Viva
NA673 .A763 Link

The Plan: Architecture & Technologies in Detail
NA2543.T43 Link

AV Monografias
NA7385 .A2 Link

The Plan Journal: Research in Architecture and Urbanism
no call number; link to Libraries Search information

NK1160 .A98 Link; older issues in facility

Planning Perspectives
HD30.28 .P526 Link; online

NA968 .B58 Link

Preservation: The Magazine of the National Trust for Historic Preservation
CC135 .H4993 Link

Canadian Architect
NA1 .C29 Link

Project: A Journal for Architecture
NA1 .P765 Link

NA4 .C33 Link

Project Russia = Proekt Rossii︠a︡ 
NA1188 .P762 Link

Cheng Shi Huan Jing She Ji (Urban Environment Design)
NA1545.6 C438 Link

Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme
NA1301 .Q3 Link

NA 260. C58 Link

RIBA Journal
NA12 .R652 Link

Clem Labine’s Traditional Building
OVERSIZE NA 7100.C44 Link

‘Scape: The International Magazine for Landscape Architecture and Urbanism
NA1 .S33 Link

NA1 .C54 Link

Shi Dai Jian Zhu (Time + Architecture)
NA1540 .S53 Link

Construction Specifier*

Shi Jie Jian Zhu (The World Architecture)
NA6.C5 S53 Link

Cornell Journal of Architecture
NA2300.C67 C6 Link 

Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain
NA12 .A74 Link; online

Crit, the Journal of the American Institute of Architecture Students
NA1 .T37 Link

NA6.K8 S63 Link

Critical Productive
HT361 Link, SU Libraries Facility 

Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes
SB469 .J68 Link; older issues in facility

El Croquis
NA5 .C7 Link

TAD (Technology Architecture + Design)
NA2543.T43 T432 Link

NA1996 .D48 Link

TD&T (Theater Design & Technology)
NA6830 .T541 Link

Design Methods*
NA9000 .D1521 Link

NA2000 .T48 Link

Detail (Munich)
NA2835 .D4 Link

Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review
HT51 .T72 Link

Detail (English Edition)
NA2835 .D42 Link

Urban Land
NA9000 .U7 Link

N4 .D67 Link 

NA9000 .U74 Link

TH4805 .D88 Link

NA1 .V65 Link

Fine Homebuilding 
NA 7100.F56 Link

NK1700 .W35 Link; older issues in facility

Forum Journal: The Journal for the National Trust of Historic Preservation
NA106 .P75 Link

Werk, Bauen + Wohnen
N3 .W384 Link; online

Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly
NA737.W7 F6785 Link

Women + Environments International Magazine
HQ1233 .W58 Link; older issues in facility

Future Arquitecturas
OVERSIZE NA2335 .F878 Link

Xia Intelligente Architektur
NA2543.T43 I58 Link


Important Ceased List

Recommended by the Association of Architecture School Librarians (AASL), these publications are out of print but remain important references. Most of these titles can be found in Bird Library.

AAQ: Architectural Association Quarterly
NA12 .A3 Link


The Inland Architect and News Record
NA1 .I56 Linkor Microfilm 4675

The American Architect and Building News
NA1 .A51 Link

International Architect
NA1 .I57 Link

Any: Architecture New York
OVERSIZE NA705 .A58 Link

NA380 .M55 Link

The Architectural Forum
NA1 .A673 Link

The New Pencil Points
NA1 .P7 Link

The Architectural Review

NA1 .O65 Link

Architecture Plus
NA1 .A7935 Link

Pencil Points
NA1 .P7 Link

L’Architecture Vivante
NA2 .A86 Link

The Prairie School Review
NA1 .P8 Link

L’Architettura (Milan)
NA4 .A778Link

Process, Architecture
NA1 .P67 Link

NA1 .A86 Link or online

Progressive Architecture
NA1 .P7 Link

The Brickbuilder
NA1 .A673 Link

SD (Space Design)
NA6 .S12 Link

Building Design and Construction 
NA1 A12 B84 Link

NA1 .S59 Link

N1 .C87 Link(Special Collections) or N1 .C87 [CD-ROM]

Techniques et architecture
NA2 .T4 Link

NA1.A1 Link

UIA International Architect
NA1 .I57 Link

Design & Environment (DE)
NA1 .D47 Link

Urban Design
NA1 .D471 Link

Design Book Review
NA2599.9 .D47Link

N3 .W38 Link

L'Esprit Nouveau
NX2 .E8 Link

The Western Architect
NA1 .W52 Link

Global Architecture: GA
Catalogued individually by subject

World Architecture
NA1 .W675 Link

The Harvard Architecture Review
NA1 .H33 Link

NA1 .A1 Z841 1957, 1988