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Syracuse University Libraries

Newhouse School of Public Communications - Guide to Resources at Syracuse University Libraries

SU Libraries' recommended research starting points for Newhouse School students and faculty

Kanopy - Video Collection

Kanopy Logo


A concise list of SU Libraries subscription databases in media studies and news that represent (or otherwise contain) significant online video, audio or image content:


See also freely available news video searching available via:

  • Internet Archive TV News Search
    (free online access to streaming news video - covering 2009 thru present.  Downloading available via fee based loan on DVD - must be returned to Internet Archive.  SU affiliated students and faculty should also visit the SU Libraries subscription to Vanderbilt University's Television News Archive, where online streaming news video is available for CNN (1995 - present) and NBC (1968 - present).  Other major networks are indexed, but no immediate access to video online - for those - download is via a loan of those clips on DVD-must be returned to Vanderbilt Univ.)

See also freely video sharing sites with a mix free and often personal subscription based access:

      (free online access to hundreds of hours of NBC & Fox network TV programs and to popular movies, both clip segments and full shows/full movies.  Hulu content providers also include NBC Universal, MGM, Warner Bros. and more)
      (another video sharing alternative to youtube)
      (perhaps the most well known video sharing site)

  Video Collections at Bird Library (3rd Floor)





For complete information, see also the SU Libraries Video Guide
includes instructions for faculty on booking videos and/or placing a title(s) onto video course reserves



  • DVDs/Videos may be taken out of the Bird Library building or viewed at the Library viewing stations (request titles at 3rd floor service desk, Bird Library)
    • Undergraduate students may borrow videos/DVDs for 24 hours (no renewals)
    • Faculty and Graduate students may borrow videos/DVDs for up to 3 days


Remix Culture Video-Center for Media & Social Impact, American University

Com Librarian Online Video Find:  Remix Culture - Fair Use is Your Friend (5/09)  A production of the Center for Media & Social Impact (fka:  Center for Social Media), American University.  This video intends to educate about the complex topic of fair use for copyrighted materials.  It is possible to create dynamic and culturally relevant video productions, works that incorporate pre-existing creations made by others.  With the balanced approach advocated in this video, the argument highlighted is one can indeed do so without running afoul of Copyright law.   See also the Center's Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Online Video and their broader "Codes of Best Practices" website, offering sets of "Fair Use" codes applicable to journalism, the arts and media professions.