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Syracuse University Libraries

Newhouse School of Public Communications - Guide to Resources at Syracuse University Libraries

SU Libraries' recommended research starting points for Newhouse School students and faculty


SU Libraries supports all departments and programs in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications.  In addition to visiting sources under links appearing in the menu bar of this guide, you can contact the Special Collections Research Center for information related to the history of broadcasting

Newly Added News Database (As of Spring 2021)

  Communications Database BEST BET

Ebsco Host 

Communication Source  is a primary collection of articles and other references to published literature in all sub-disciplines of public communications, including advertising.  Covers articles from scholarly peer-reviewed journals, as well as trade journals and other periodicals in additional related fields such as media studies, broadcasting, public relations, journalism, linguistics, rhetoric and more.  This database merges together two previously named resources, formerly known as "communication & mass media complete" (ebsco) and "comabstracts" (sage). 

News - Nexis Uni


Nexis Uni Support & Training (LexisNexis)

PDFs with overviews of Nexis Uni, user search tips, permalinking options, etc.

For a gateway to additional newspaper databases SU Libraries offers - visit the online research guide site called Newspaper Databases - Both ProQuest News & Newspapers & Access World News databases are highly recommended.

Help With Citing?

Need help on formatting the sources you cite in your academic writing (e.g., APA, MLA, etc.) or want access to a full-fledged online bibliographic management system-like "Zotero" or "Mendeley," visit the SU Libraries Citation Support website.

If employing APA Style in an academic publication, from the American Psychological Association, see their

  • APA 7th - Common Reference Examples
  • APA Blog
    (search queries here often provide additional guidance on formats for citing content types beyond scholarly books, or other than articles from newspapers, magazines, or academic journals - for instance, how to cite a tweet, or how to format film or television references, etc.)

A P Associated Press
For stylistic guidelines for journalists particularly -SU Libraries also offers from Associated Press the AP Stylebook Online.

In the Reference Collection at Bird Library

Syracuse University Copyright Portal

SU Copyright Portal:  Provides educational information to the Syracuse University community about copyright and other laws, policies, and regulations that govern information creation, use, retention and adaptation for scholarly purposes. The Portal also provides guidance and direction to the University community on issues such as:

  • Authorship and protection of scholarship
  • Copyright ownership, including its rights and obligations
  • Limitations and exceptions, such as fair use
  • Licensing of electronic resources and media
  • Use of copyrighted works

All the Portal’s information is educational. None of the Portal’s information is, or should be considered to be, legal advice.