The SU Libraries Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) holds a variety of unique primary sources relevant to journalism and radio & television.
A few examples include original collections pertaining to:
- Ted Koppel Collection (Covering 1959 thru 2008, the vast majority of collection are videorecordings of ABC News productions, including approximately 6,600 episodes of Nightline (Mar 1980-Nov 2005); as well as original field recordings, production materials and broadcast masters related to The Koppel Report and other Ted Koppel related programs).
- Edward Bleier (Bleier's career represents a wide array of aspects and professional positions paralleling the evolution of the radio and television industries. Including his rise to the position of President of Warner Bros. Domestic Pay-TV, Cable and Network Features division, the Ed Bleier collection comprises both personal and professional files relating to strategy, management, analysis and marketing for Warner Bros. movie and television development and includes proposals, books, pamphlets, laser discs, videocassettes and DVDs, and multimedia materials.)
- Norman Corwin (American writer, screenwriter, producer, essayist and teacher of journalism and writing. His early radio programs included love stories, satire, biography, fantasy, mystery, Bible stories, travelogues, history, media analyses, philosophy, and current events. He has been called America's "poet laureate of radio." His script for the movie Lust For Life(1957) was nominated for an Oscar. His television credits include his 1971 series "Norman Corwin Presents." In the 1990s he began a new series of radio programs for National Public Radio, whose casts have included William Shatner, Jack Lemmon, Charles Kuralt, Martin Landau, Hume Cronyn, and Charles Durning).
- Margaret Bourke-White(The Margaret Bourke-White Papers, spanning 1863 through 1984, comprise biographical material, correspondence, writings, and memorabilia of the American industrial photographer, photojournalist, war correspondent and author (1904-1971). The collection illuminates the chaotic historical times (life in the United States) during the Depression; World War II Africa, Germany, Italy and Russia; the partition of India; Korea's guerrilla war Bourke-White chronicled as a photographer for Henry Luce's Time, Inc. (first for Fortune (1930-1936) and then, from its inaugural issue in 1936, Life, magazines).
- Bob Considine (papers of the American print and radio journalist, and war correspondent, the collection covers the years 1921-1968)
- William Safire(Spanning 1984 to 1999, the William Safire Papers comprises research files, notes, incoming correspondence and book manuscripts of the American author and journalist. Reflecting his interest in both politics and lexicography, the collection documents Safire's dual career as political and language columnist for the New York Times.)
- Fred Ellis (American editorial cartoonist. Includes correspondence, original artwork (cartoons, sketches), exhibit catalog, articles, clippings. Ellis was part of the American radical movement of the 1930s-1950s.)
- William Gropper (American painter, illustrator, muralist and cartoonist. As a cartoonist he worked for the Daily Worker, Morning Freiheit, New Masses, New York Tribune, and several other mainstream and leftist publications. Gropper was known not only for his depiction of social injustice as it played out in the day-to-day life of the common laborer, but also through his satirical portrayal of the elite and powerful and the effects of capitalism and war on American life. The William Gropper Papers, spanning 1918-1970 are comprised of correspondence, artwork, writings, and memorabilia of the artist).
- Party of Five (Original scripts and production notes for the FOX television series Party of Five, 1994-2000)
- Steven H. Scheuer Television History Interviews (consists of interviews with various significant or influential movie and television personalities - comprising sound recordings, video recordings and transcripts)
- Mark Tinker Collections (Original scripts and production notes from the NBC TV series St. Elsewhere (1982-1988) and the ABC TV series NYPD Blue (1994-2002)
- Mike Wallace Papers (Covering the years 1959 thru 1961, papers of the television journalist and news commentator. Television documentary, interview scripts and audiorecordings of interviews. People represented include Edward Albee, Cleveland Amory, George Axelrod, William F. Buckley Jr., Marcel Duchamp, Max Eastman, Anne Francis, Gus Hall, Ben Hecht, Henry Kissinger, Shirley MacLaine, Bishop James A. Pike, Ayn Rand, Carl Sandburg, Gore Vidal, and Tennessee Williams).
Visit the SCRC website - for a complete list of collections and finding aids pertaining to:
photography and photojournalism
cartoons and cartoonists
recorded sound and music
radicalism in the arts
and the history of broadcasting