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Syracuse University Libraries

Communications Management - Research Guide

A research starting points guide from Syracuse University Libraries for SU students studying Communications Management

  Dissertation Database

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (Provides online, full text access to nearly one million dissertations published from 1997, by authors at over 700 participating institutions. The database also includes citations and abstracts to over 2.4 million titles, including dissertation abstracts from 1980, abstracts for Masters theses from 1988, and citations for dissertations from 1637. Thumbnail preview pages are available for many dissertations. More than 65,000 dissertation and theses are added each year. Dissertations and Theses Global is searchable by author, subject, advisor, and degree granting institution, among other fields).


Can't locate a desired thesis or dissertation online?  In those exceptional instances where you have a reference to a completed thesis or dissertation, but cannot open up a full-text version online (e.g., via the aforementioned database - or other online databases) - you can consider:

  • Submitting a direct home delivery order for a personal copy of the dissertation using Proquest's fee-based service, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing OR
  • Requesting interlibrary loaned delivery of that thesis or dissertation, making that interlibrary loan request at an academic or public library near your residence with whom you also have a current affiliation.