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Syracuse University Libraries

Communications Management - Research Guide

A research starting points guide from Syracuse University Libraries for SU students studying Communications Management

Welcome to a Guide for Communications Management Students (Newhouse School of Public Communications)

Carnegie Library Reading Room

Database BEST BETS

Ebsco Host

Use of one of the two major citation databases is also highly recommended:


Six other BEST BET article databases are:

PR Week

P R Week

IMPORTANT ACCESS NOTE:  As of Spring 2024, there is no central SU Libraries mediated access to PRWeek magazine for issues published during or after the year 2022.  All third party news and business article databases available at SU Libraries that used to contain coverage of the most recent articles, no longer offer this.  The library will explore alternatives.  Third party database access points below do support comprehensive recent historical research within PRWeek magazine covering 2003 thru 2021.  At the moment, students or faculty seeking more recent PRWeek magazine content, should consider options offered for personal digital subscriptions.  When considering if that is affordable, look very carefully at both month to month subscriptions the publisher offers as well as discounts for students and educators if one purchases a full year of access.  Finally, if one seeks only access to a single PRWeek magazine article published during or after 2022, and has a full citation, use SU Libraries Interlibrary Loan services to request that be delivered free of charge (this will be applicable only to articles in their print edition magazine, and not 100% of the born digital, premium articles they offer online).   


Weekly trade journal in public relations.  Current and back issue articles are available from SU Libraries via various third party database platforms (e.g., the databases Access World News (2013 - 2021) and ABI/Inform (2003 - 2018)).  Access World News coverage of articles from both the U.S. and U.K. editions offer the most recent currency,  ABI/Inform contains an extensive archive of older PRWeek articles but with a gap in access for the most recent back issues.

Instructions for access via Access World News:  From the home page of Access World News, click on the link located toward the top margin labeled A-Z Source List, type in PR Week and then scroll down to access points for both the U.S. and U.K. editions of PR Week.

PRWeek (U.S.) magazine back issues access via SU Libraries Search: Select one of the access points under "get it online"

PRWeek (U.S.) - Print
Some recent back issues - 2nd floor, Current Periodicals Section - Bird Library
NOTE:  These do not come up to the current date
Back Issues - HD 59 P79 - off-site storage facility (request delivery via the the Libraries Search item record linked to here, by clicking on "Get It" - then click into the link labeled, "Request:  Book, Item, or Volume."  Be sure to login to the Libraries search platform using your SU NETID and NETID password

PRWeek Personal Digital Subscriptions:   PRWeek digital offers online content in exchange for a free registration, as well as full digital archival access - together with optional premium features - via paid individual subscriptions (as of 2024, a non-discounted full subscription rate is  $365/year OR $35/month).  But for students with an email address ending in .edu who may choose to purchase a personal digital subscription to PR Week, that is available from that publisher at a substantially discounted annual student subscription rate of $199/year .  Think about how often you will be consulting this source if you do initiate a personal subscription, because at the main PRWeek site a non-academic rate is available at $35/month - possibly useful and could be cancelled, if an access need is more short term [when deciding whether to make that investment as a student, keep in mind the access to a great many major back issue articles in PRWeek magazine are available free of charge, helpful for more deeply historical research - for getting to articles published in 2022 and prior, with that access available in databases like Access World News and ABI/Inform].  

  Citation Databases

These two citation databases are powerful research tools that cover a vast scope of interdisciplinary subject matter involving all topic areas. Both also include "times cited" links that allow a researcher or author to follow-up on subsequent citation patterns for an article(s) of interest:

scopus logo



Web of Science Logo

  Watch for the SULinks icon

SULinks icon

If you see this next to the record for an article in an SU Libraries database, click on it to see if the full-text is available online.