A three minute video screencast with starting point tips on searching the libraries general search tool, called SU Libraries Search. Expand the video player to full screen size for the best viewing experience.
Librarian search tip: Favor use of the advanced search screen in Libraries Search, and also in other specific academic databases, to access the widest range of possible search results and search result refinement filters.
eBooks can be discovered by entering search queries into the advanced SU Libraries search page.
IMPORTANT ACCESS NOTE FOR FALL SEMESTER 2024: The introduction of SU Libraries Search as of late summer, 2024 - involves some continuing migration of electronic resource content into that search environment. If seeking a comprehensive search through as many relevant ebooks and ebook chapters as possible, do not limit your search queries to SU Libraries Search (unless seeking exclusively physical sources only), but instead, also include searches within several specific eBook collections supported by SU Libraries
When using Libraries Search
When entering general genre or topic or subiect related queries into SU Libraries Search, additional search result refinement categories to pay attention to at the left margin search results, include:
If you prefer to explore specific large eBook databases individually, here is a list of SU Libraries eBook collections Examples of specific eBook platforms of potential interest to many Newhouse School students include -
A small cross section of reference books pertinent to communications studies available at Syracuse University Libraries. This is just a sampling. For reference and circulating books on a specific topic, search for further titles using SU Libraries Search:
Advertising || Broadcasting/Broadcast Journalism || Magazine and Newspaper Journalism || Public Relations || Research Methods & Theory
Advertising Age Encyclopedia of Advertising
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) HF5803 A38 2003
Encyclopedia of Major Marketing Campaigns/Thomas Riggs
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) HF5837 E53 2000
Marketing Scales Handbooks
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) HF5415.3 B785
Broadcasting/Broadcast Journalism
Biographical Encyclopedia of American Radio/Christopher H. Sterling, editor. 2011
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) HE 8698 B56
Encyclopedic dictionary of semiotics, media, and communications / Marcel Danesi. 2000
Entertainment Awards: A Music, Cinema, Theatre and Broadcasting Guide/Don Franks. 2005
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) PN 2270 A93 F68 2005
Public Opinion and Polling Around the World; A Historical Encyclopedia/John G. Geer, editor. 2004
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) HM1236 P83 2004
Television & Cable Factbook
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) TK6540 T4531
Television Financial Report / National Association of Broadcasters
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) HE 8700.8 T413
The Television industry : market-by-market review / National Association of Broadcasters
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) HE 8700.8 T415
TV Dimensions/Media Dynamics
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) HE 8700.8 T917
World Radio TV Handbook
Carnegie Library, Reference, (does not circulate) TK 6540 W67
library retains latest two editions
Magazine and Newspaper Journalism
American Datelines: Major News Stories from Colonial Times to the Present/edited by Ed Cray, Jonathan Kotler, Miles Beller. 2003.
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) PN 4726 A48 2003
American Directory of Writer's Guidelines: A Compilation of Information for Freelancers From More Than 1500 Magazine Editors and Book Publishers/compiled by Brigette M. Phillips, Susan D. Klassen and Doris Hall. 2005
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) PN 147 A479 2005
American Literary Magazines: The Twentieth Century/Edward E. Chielens
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) PS 221 P45 A44 1992
American Mass Market Magazines
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) PN 4877 A48 1990
Dictionary of media and communications / Marcel Danesi
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) P 87.5 D359
Editor & Publisher Newspaper Databook /Duncan McIntosh Company
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) PN 4700 E42
Gebbie Press all-in-one directory/Gebbie Press
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) P 88.8 G4
History of American Magazines, 1741-1930/Frank Luther Mott
[electronic book]
Magazine Writer's Handbook/Gordon Wells & Chris McCallum. 2001
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) PN 147 W46 2001
Ulrichsweb - Periodicals Directory [online database]
Willing's Press Guide/Willing Service
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) Z6956 E5 W5
Writer's Market/latest edition in general reference
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) PN161 W83
Public Relations
Encyclopedia of Public Relations/Robert L. Heath (2005, 1st edition)
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) HD 59 E48 2005 || See also the ebook:
Encyclopedia of Public Relations/ Robert L. Heath - Sage Publications (2013, 2nd edition)
O'Dwyer's Directory of Public Relations Firms/J.R. O'Dwyer Co.
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) HM263 O37
PR News Top 100 Case Studies in PR/PR News Press for Access Intelligence
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) HM 1221 P7 vol 2 (2005/6) - vol 3 (2007)
PR Week Contact/Haymarket Media
free online directory
Encyclopedia of communication and information / edited by Jorge Reina Schement (MacMillan, 2002)
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) P 87.5 E53
Encyclopedia of communication theory / Stephen W. Littlejohn, Karen A. Foss, editors (Sage, 2009)
Encyclopedia of international media and communications / editor-in-chief, Donald H. Johnston (Academic Press, 2003)
Mass Communication Research Methods/Sage (4 vols.)
Bird Lib., Reference, 2nd Floor (does not circulate) P 91.3 M366 2009**
21st century communication : a reference handbook / edited by William F. Eadie (Sage, 2009)
**search the subject phrase mass media research methodology in the SU Libraries Search - Advanced Search screen to identify additional titles, most available for borrowing or accessible online as eBooks..
Circulating books on public relations reside primarily on Bird Library’s 3rd Floor {Call numbers beginning with HD 59}. An additional grouping of public relations book titles are located on Bird Library's 4th Floor {Call numbers beginning with HM 251 and higher, "social psychology" call numbers}. Other locations may also hold titles of interest. For example, titles with a technology focus may be at the Science & Technology Library, Carnegie Building; titles with a primary focus on PR and politics may be adjacent to political science related titles, and so on. Titles covering media studies, broadcasting and journalism are located on Bird Library's 5th Floor.
SU distance students are eligible for home book delivery.
Many researchers use free tools like Google Scholar (GS) to identify helpful books or journal articles. Check the Library's online SU Libraries Search tool and/or Journals A-Z List (aka - 'Find a Journal") for availability at Syracuse. If not at SU, consider submitting an interlibrary loan request via the library's ILLIAD service.