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Syracuse University Libraries

Information Literacy and Technological Agility Shared Competency (ILTA)

This guide offers support for faculty members using or exploring the ILTA Shared Competency

Welcome to the ILTA Workshop — January 7, 2025

The Information Literacy Program at Syracuse University Libraries offers support to faculty interested in developing strategies to incorporate information literacy knowledge, skills and attitudes into their teaching. In this one-day workshop, librarians will assist faculty in creating new or adapting existing assignments that will allow students to demonstrate their learning in a way that aligns with the ILTA rubric. During the workshop, participants will:

  • revise or create an assignment or learning activity that can be assessed using the ILTA rubric,
  • discover learning strategies and pedagogies that enable students to demonstrate their information literacy skills,
  • interact with faculty members from outside their discipline to build community,
  • learn how the Libraries can support them in enhancing their assignments to incorporate diverse resources and
  • share their new/revised assignments to an ILTA assignment repository maintained by the Libraries.

The workshop will be facilitated by Kelly Delevan, Michelle Mitchell, and John Stawarz.

Workshop Schedule

Tentative Schedule for January 7, 2025

9:00-9:30 am Welcome and Introductions​

9:30-10:15 am What is information Literacy? What is the ACRL Framework? What is the rubric?  ​

10:15-10:30 am Break    ​

10:30-11:15 am: How do students demonstrate their learning of ILTA?  ​

11:15-12:00 pm: Reflective Assignment Activity​

12:00-1:00 pm Lunch  ​

1:00-1:30 pm Subject Liaisons & Faculty Assignment sharing  ​

1:30-2:00 pm Independent work on assignments with help from Subject Liaisons if needed   ​

2:00-2:15 pm Break ​

2:15-2:45 pm Independent work on assignments ​

2:45-3:00 pm Wrap up and assessment/next steps and expectations moving forward