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Syracuse University Libraries

SU Libraries' Online Tutorials and Videos

Within this guide are helpful how-to videos and interactive tutorials, providing insight for using library resources and beginning your research journey!

Welcome to Syracuse University Libraries' Videos & Tutorials

Welcome! These videos and interactive tutorials are designed to help you access and use the resources, services, and spaces at Syracuse University Libraries: 

  • SU Libraries resources: Learn about how to use the Libraries' resources and services, including Libraries Search, databases, interlibrary loan, and reserving study rooms.
  • Information Literacy resources: Explore all stages of the research process, including developing a research focus, finding and evaluating sources, understanding qualitative literacy, presenting research findings, academic integrity, and citation. 
  • Video & tutorial playlists: These playlists offer curated collections of resources, including library basics, various citation styles, and using primacy sources. 

Research Starting Points (Video 4:23)

Using Libraries Search (Video 3:27)

Additional Tips and Techniques for Libraries Search (Video: 6:24)

Finding Journal Articles (Video 4:36)