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Syracuse University Libraries

Information Literacy and Technological Agility Shared Competency (ILTA)

This guide offers support for faculty members using or exploring the ILTA Shared Competency

Outcome 2: Location

Definition: Apply strategies to access information from resources.

Indicators Exemplary   Developing   Emergent   Not Evident  
2.1 Selects information resources  that match information needs and/or assignment criteria.  Selects all resources according to information need.  Selects most resources according to information need.   Selects some resources based on information need.   Does not select resources based on information need.  
2.2 Applies search strategies.   Applies an advanced search strategy with revisions.   Applies a basic search strategy with revisions.   Applies a basic search strategy with little to no revision.   Does not apply search strategies
2.3 Identifies access limitations in information systems.  Identifies all access limitations in information systems.   Identifies most of the limitations in information systems.   Identifies few limitations in information systems.   Does not Identify access limitations.  

Common Artifacts, Activities, and Tools: Keyword brainstorming; Filtering; Boolean logic Using appropriate search tools; Algorithms/bias; Scholarly paradigm; Cost of information, as commodity, publishing models; Question how they accessed the information; Filters: race, gender, etc.; Open access; Research log/reflection; (Annotated) bibliography; Worksheet for searching; Students record search thought process; Information source audit 

Sample Activities for this Outcome