The guide is organized into the following set of pages:
Recording Details has instructions for locating the artist, label, catalog number, and recording session details.
Artist Biographies & Discographies features links to both print and online reference sources to locate recording details, artist biographies, and articles on music genres.
Historical Research features links to selected library databases as well as some background on the history of recorded sound.
Music Researchhas library databases for finding interviews, music journalism, and music academic writing.
Sheet Music and Liner Notes provides links to many useful free historic sheet music collections online as well as instructions for locating recordings and liner notes in SU Libraries' circulating collections.
About Sound Beat features information from Sound Beat producer Jim O'Connor, including example Sound Beat episodes and date tools for choosing themed episodes.
Getting Help
For help, please contact:
music research or general questions: Amanda DuBose, Music & Performing Arts Librarian,
sound recording formats: Jim Meade, Audio Preservation Engineer,