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Syracuse University Libraries

Business Information Guide

Starting point for business and entrepreneurship research resources. Includes industry research, company research, market research, business case studies, and more.

Top 10 Business Research Databases

SU Libraries subscribes to many databases with business information. To help you get started, here is a list of the top 10 frequently recommended starting points. See sidebar for additional business information sources (including databases) or browse a list of databases by subject.

Video Tutorials for General and Business Research

Videos Tutorials for General Research

The following three video tutorials were developed by Syracuse University Libraries and cover general research starting points and search strategies.

Video Tutorials for Business Research

The following video introduction and four video tutorials focus on business research resources.

The four tutorials (which complement the Nuts and Bolts of Great Business Plans page of the Business Information Guide) were developed by Business, Management and Entrepreneurship Librarian Stephanie JH McReynolds to support EEE 457 students as they develop their Capstone business plans. Although developed with EEE 457 students in mind, anyone who is interested in learning more about the business research resources offered by Syracuse University Libraries is welcome to view.

Since the videos cover a lot of material, they have been subdivided into shorter chapters, which can be reached by using the chapter navigation feature in the upper left corner of the video player. An outline of the chapters for each video is also listed below, for your convenience. If something interests you, please check it out. For instance, maybe you already know a lot about IBISWorld, but have never considered exploring the "First Research" industry research module in Mergent Intellect.

Video Chapters for Industry Research Part 1: Identifying Industry Codes

  1. Introduction: Introduction and short description of North American Industry Classification (NAICS) codes. (38 seconds)
  2. Searching for Codes in NAICS: Tips for searching for NAICS codes in the North American Industry Classification System (6 minutes 42 seconds)
  3. Browsing for Codes in NAICS Reference Files: Overview of how NAICS Reference Files can be browsed to identify relevant codes that might otherwise be overlooked. (1 minute 17 seconds)
  4. Using Company Databases to Find NAICS Codes: Overview of how company databases can be used to find NAICS codes. (50 seconds)
  5. Searching ReferenceUSA for NAICS Codes: How to search in the company database Data Axle Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA) to find NAICS codes. (5 minutes 19 seconds)

Video Chapters for Industry Research Part 2: Discovering Industry Research Reports and Data

  1. Introduction: Intro and overview of NAICS codes (already identified) to use when searching in industry databases. (2 minutes 7 seconds)
  2. IBISWorld for Industry Research: How to find industry reports in IBISWorld using NAICS codes and keywords searches. (5 minutes)
  3. Business Insights: Essentials for Industry Research: How to find industry reports, industry associations, market share reports, and rankings in Business Insights Essentials using NAICS codes. (4 minutes 17 seconds)
  4. Mergent Intellect for Industry Research: How to find industry reports using NAICS codes and keyword searches in the "First Research" module of Mergent Intellect (2 minutes 54 seconds)
  5. Plunkett Research Online for Industry Research: NOTE: Syracuse University Libraries no longer provides access to Plunkett. How to find industry reports, market reports, and industry associations using NAICS codes and keyword searches in Plunkett Research Online. (2 minutes 16 seconds)
  6. Bizminer for Industry Research: How to find industry reports and ratios using NAICS codes and keyword searches in Bizminer. (2 minutes 32 seconds)
  7. Business Source Elite for Industry Articles: How to find articles relevant to an industry by using NAICS code searches and keyword searches in the business article database Business Source Elite. (5 minutes 51 seconds)
  8. Citing Business Resources in APA Style: Shows an example of how to find citation feature in article databases and demonstrates how to find recommended guide for citing other business resources in APA style. (1 minute 33 seconds)
  9. Finding Additional Data: Recommendations of resources for finding additional data, including Explore Census Data and Data-Planet Statistical Datasets. (1 minute 42 seconds)

Video Chapters for Company Research

  1. Introduction: Intro and overview of searching by company name to find company profiles and using NAICS codes (already identified) to create lists of companies in company databases. (1 minute 48 seconds)
  2. Business Insights: Essentials for Company Research: How to find company profiles, company hierarchy, market share reports, financial information, investment reports, and SWOT reports. (4 minutes 25 seconds)
  3. Mergent Intellect for Company Research: How to find company profiles using a basic company search and how to create lists of companies using NAICS codes on the advanced search page of Mergent Intellect. (5 minutes 12 seconds)
  4. ReferenceUSA for Company Research: How to find company profiles using a basic company search and how to create lists of companies using NAICS codes on the advanced search page of Data Axle Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA). (4 minutes 38 seconds)
  5. PrivCo Overview (No Search Demo): Overview of PrivCo company database for information on fast growing private companies, including in-depth financial information, venture capital deals, as well as relevant mergers and acquisitions. (1 minute 10 seconds)
  6. Westlaw Campus Research for Company Research: How to find a company profile in the Company Dossier module of Westlaw Campus Research, with an emphasis on the Company Family Tree part of the profile. (2 minutes 41 seconds)

Video Chapters for Market Research Resources

  1. Introduction: Intro and overview of Market Research resources. (37 seconds)
  2. Academic for Market Research: How to browse Topics and use keyword searches to find demographic and market research reports in Academic. (3 minutes 5 seconds)
  3. eMarketer for Market Research: How to browse Topics and use keyword searches to find market research reports, survey results, and statistics in eMarketer. (1 minute 10 seconds)
  4. Mintel Reports for Market Research: How to use keyword searches, browse reports by Category, and use the List View to find recently published and upcoming market research reports in Mintel Reports. (7 minutes 24 seconds)
  5. Richard K. Miller and Associates for Market Research: How to browse and search in Richard K. Miller and Associates Reports for market research statistics and additional sources of market research data. (1 minute 33 seconds)
  6. Business Insights: Essentials for Market Research: How to find Market Share Reports in Business Insights: Essentials. (1 minute 5 seconds)
  7. SimplyAnalytics and Simmons Insights Overview (No Search Demo): Overview of SimplyAnalytics and Simmons Insights databases for survey data. (42 seconds)
  8. Statista for Market Research: How to browse and do keyword searches to find market research reports, statistics, survey results, industry reports, and data in Statista. (2 minutes 34 seconds)