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Syracuse University Libraries

Career Research Guide: Home

Explore resources and recommendations from Syracuse University Career Services and Syracuse University Libraries to support your career search efforts.

Recommended Resources from Syracuse University Career Services

Recommended Websites

Recommended Databases

In addition to the resources and tips from Syracuse University Career Services and the recommended websites, use the company, industry, and article research databases provided by Syracuse University Libraries to create lists of prospective employers, find jobs, discover industry trends and industry associations, and learn everything you can about a company before you interview.

Company Research

Create your own targeted lists of companies where you might like to work (using industry codes, such as NAICS codes, geography, and other criteria) and learn everything you can about a certain company before you interview.

Business Article Databases

Find more information about a company, industry, or career by searching in business article databases.

Business Information Guide

Visit the Business Information Guide to find more information and resources relevant for career and business research.

Business, Management, & Entrepreneurship Librarian

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Steph McReynolds
Schedule an Online Meeting

If none of the online meeting options options work for you and you would like to schedule an online or in-person meeting, or if you simply want to email a question, please do email me. I will reply to your email as soon as possible, usually that same business day.

However, if my schedule is especially busy that week, it may take one or two business days to receive a reply. If you would like immediate assistance from a library staff person, especially if it is after "business hours," consider using SU Libraries' Get Help options, which include a 24/7 chat service.