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Syracuse University Libraries

Business Information Guide

Starting point for business and entrepreneurship research resources. Includes industry research, company research, market research, business case studies, and more.

Recommended Resources for Business Case Studies

Please see below recommended starting points for finding business case studies:

Harvard Case Studies

Harvard Business Publishing case studies cover all areas of management, business planning, marketing, accounting, finance, organizational behavior, entrepreneurship and more. The case studies range from 10 to 30 pages in length and often include an author provided guide, called a “teaching note,” on how to teach the case in the classroom.

Harvard Business Publishing Case Studies are Not Available via Syracuse University Libraries

Access to Harvard Business Publishing case studies requires individual purchase of cases, including purchase of copyright permission for multiple copies. Harvard does not offer institutional subscriptions that permit an academic library to subscribe to these case studies.

Visit Harvard Business Publishing Education to browse topics and find case studies, which may be purchased individually. Faculty also have the option of creating Harvard Business Publishing coursepacks, which may include discounts for students enrolled in their courses. Faculty interested in this option may apply for Harvard Business Publishing's Case Study Educator Access.

Harvard Business Publishing case studies should not be confused with the short case studies published in the Harvard Business Review. Syracuse University Libraries does provide access to the Harvard Business Review.

Harvard Business Review (HBR) Articles and Case Studies

HBR Articles and Case Studies Intended for Individual Use Only

Please note that Harvard Business Review articles and case studies in EBSCO's Business Source Elite are intended for individual use only. The following notice accompanies each Harvard Business Review article and case study in Business Source Elite:

"Copyright Harvard Business Publishing. All Rights Reserved. This content is intended for individual research use only, subject to the following:

Unless permission is expressly granted in a separate license, this content may NOT be used for classroom or teaching use, which includes teaching materials, electronic reserves, course packs or persistent linking from syllabi.

For more information and teaching resources from Harvard Business Publishing including Harvard Business School Cases, eLearning products, and business simulations please visit"

Harvard Business Review 500

At the request of Harvard Business Publishing, EBSCO has made 500 of the most popular Harvard Business Review articles read only by disabling the printing, saving, and persistent linking functionality for these articles in Business Source Elite. All Business Source Elite subscribers (including SU Libraries) were offered the option to restore this basic functionality by paying an additional annual premium fee. When Syracuse University Libraries requested a quote from EBSCO to restore full access to the 500 HBR articles, we were presented with a significant five figure amount. SU Libraries is disinclined to pursue the option to restore full access to the HBR 500 by paying this premium. Not only is the price per article exorbitant, but more importantly, agreeing to such a fee in order to restore access to content for which we have already paid, could set a terrible precedent.

What matters and what we wish to emphasize is that, if HBP’s new model catches on, having to essentially pay twice (or multiple times) for the same online content will erode the Libraries’ ability to provide other resources to the SU research community. In short, it’s a zero-sum game when it comes to Libraries’ acquisitions that support research, and this development further adds to the costs of supporting scholarship. In declining to license with HBP under the proffered terms, the SU Libraries’ goal is to protect our ability to support research at SU to our utmost. While that may sound contradictory, at least in the short-term, in the long-term it most assuredly is not.