Good for looking up locations and cultures when researching world traditional and folk music
This standard music reference source is organized geographically into ten volumes and also has accompanying sound recordings. Browse content by continent and country.
Good for researching popular music from America and around the world
v.1 Media, Industry, & Society -- Look up social phenomena, such as death, gender, record collecting
v.2 Performance & Production -- Look up names of performance techniques, ensemble types, production roles, equipment, instruments, and harmony, melody, and rhythm terminology
v.3-7 Locations -- Look up names of countries, regions, and cities
v.8-11 Genres -- Look up names of genres/styles
Scholarly books and reference works published by Bloomsbury of world popular music, sound studies, and the music industry. Check out the interactive world map for more information on global popular music.
Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive provides searchable access to the full-text of more than two dozen major entertainment industry and popular magazines from the late Nineteenth Century to 2000. Titles include the core US and UK trade magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater, as well as many film fan magazines and music press titles
Newspapers, magazines, and journals that focus on ethnic studies, indigenous peoples, and the presses from a diverse range of multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural perspectives; included in the TDM Studio text visualization dashboard; please see the ProQuest TDM Studio guide for access information.
Index to materials on Mexican-American topics 1960 to the present, produced by the Ethnic Studies Library at the University of California, Berkeley. Includes coverage of Latinx experience, Cuban Americans, and Central American immigrants,
Database of information about songs from the musical theater repertoire, searchable by voice range, character age, tempo, accompaniment difficulty, composer/lyricist identity, and more.
Good for researching popular music from America and around the world
v.1 Media, Industry, & Society -- Look up social phenomena, such as death, gender, record collecting
v.2 Performance & Production -- Look up names of performance techniques, ensemble types, production roles, equipment, instruments, and harmony, melody, and rhythm terminology
v.3-7 Locations -- Look up names of countries, regions, and cities
v.8-11 Genres -- Look up names of genres/styles