Libraries Search is the primary tool for searching collections at SU Libraries, including our physical collections and the hundreds of online databases that we offer. With Libraries Search, you can search the Libraries website for books, videos, articles, and much more.
Browsing books and choosing different keywords can be a good place to start when you are beginning research. Try some of the following strategies, or search using your own terms:
Form of music
Genre of music
Name of instrument or instrument group
Type of social or ethnic group, add ending of "music" or other form
Books about people & places
Add other endings to get more specific
Each of these collections allows for full-text searching of all titles simultaneously:
Annual scholarly literature reviews in the biomedical sciences, physical sciences, and social sciences.
Log in to enable all features.Digitized print volumes, some of which are public domain. Includes almost half the print holdings at SU Libraries, with full-text searching across the entire repository, full-text PDF downloads for items in public domain or not otherwise under copyright, and full-text access to brittle out-of-print items in SU Libraries.
WorldCat is a world catalog of libraries that participate in SU Libraries' inter-library loan network. Search here for books, scores and recordings in other libraries, and we will borrow it for you, free of charge.
Find something you like? Collect the citation and place an inter-library loan request. PDFs of articles usually arrive in 1-2 days, and books usually arrive in 5-8 business days.