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Syracuse University Libraries



E. Evaluate

The evaluation survey creates an opportunity to review feedback from our employees, assess, and further develop the onboarding program--to ensure it’s meeting their needs. 

Three months after the new employee starts, an onboarding survey may be emailed to them for their feedback. The library operations manager may then meet with the new employee to discuss their feedback. See the below for survey questions.

  • Onboarding Feedback Survey

Please complete the below questions as feedback to help improve our new employee experience.

  1. Did you have a good interview and hiring experience (application, interviews, offer)? What did you like about the process? How can we make the process more beneficial for future applicants?

  1. Did you have a good onboarding experience (first day meetings with Libraries’ department, meeting with home department staff and supervisor)? What did you like most about the onboarding process? How can we make the onboarding process more beneficial for future attendees?

  1. Did your department welcome you and help you get acquainted with the work you would be doing?
    1. Do you have a clear understanding of your responsibilities?
    2. Did you have a meeting with your manager and go over what your goals were for the year (or first 6 months)?
    3. Did you have input to the timing of the goals?
    4. Did you feel the goals and timing were fair and achievable?
    5. Do you feel like you have all the tools and resources to perform successfully? What tools and resources were missing?

  1. In reviewing the Libraries’ Staff Pages, is it helpful to find resources? Suggestions?

  1. Is there something else you think we should have asked you?