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Syracuse University Libraries

Public Relations Resources

An SU Libraries' research starting points guide for public relations

Article Databases-Communications & PR

The focus of the following online databases includes source content relevant for communications studies and public relations.  Some are scholarly, others popular and professional, others a mixture of these source types.  Many cover a diverse array of disciplines beyond Com Studies/PR as well:


Communication Source   - A leading index of scholarly journal literature in the communication studies field.  Also indexes some leading popular and trade magazines relevant to communications.  Includes coverage of PR journal titles such as:  Public Relations Review, Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Quarterly, Public Relations Research Annual). This database merges together two previously named resources, formerly known as "communication & mass media complete" (ebsco) and "comabstracts" (sage).

 BusinessSource Elite  - An additional large collection of scholarly, trade and news articles.  Use the “GE Geographic Terms” field in the search engine pull down windows to limit one’s research results to a particular country context.  Covers nearly 1,100 business publications and economics journals, including nearly 500 peer-reviewed publications.  Includes coverage of the Harvard Business Review.

Proquest  - Enormous repository of articles that includes leading business and management publications, including English-language titles from outside the U.S.  Draws information from thousands of trade journals, academic journals, all major U.S. newspapers, deeply historical newspaper archives, many popular magazines and other reports.  If preferring the segment of ProQuest focused on business literature, navigate to the database called ABI/Inform Collection.


JSTOR  - Interdisciplinary academic journal articles; coverage can stretch back to the 19th century-thus, an interesting source if you want thoughtful historical discussion of communications management and PR.

  Watch for the SULinks icon

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If you see this next to the record for an article in a Library database, click on it to see if the full-text is available online.

SRDS Media Solutions

Additional Article Databases

Nexis Uni - {LexisNexis} Access more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790, together with extensive current and historical U.S. state and federal statutes, published court decisions and regulations. Registering for a free ID and password within the interface is recommended for those looking to take advantage of personalization features such as alerts, saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents. Licensed for SU only. Available to Law School users from SU campus only.

PressReader {Proquest} - Vivid full color image versions of selected U.S. and international newspapers.  over 5,000 local, regional and international newspapers and magazines from over 100 countries in 60 languages, displayed in their original format and accessible by country, language, or title.  Maintains a 60 to 90 day rolling archive for most titles.  For some titles/articles, the audio "interactive radio" feature will read that article content aloud, in the original language.

Proquest Central {Proquest} - enormous repository of articles from popular newspapers, magazines, trade and industry journals and also scholarly journals.  Includes access to titles like New York Times, Wall Street Journal & Washington Post.

Readers Guide Full Text Mega {Ebsco} - Large repository of articles from popular magazines and trade journals.



Retrieving Specific Journal Titles


To identify whether SU Libraries has a specific periodical (i.e., journal) title in its print or online collection, you can: