Display advertising can also be viewed in current and deeply historical collections of print newspapers. The advanced search screen in ProQuest includes a document type search result refinement called "advertisement." Here are a few notable databases where the news article collections include page imaged content (inclusive of advertising) alongside other articles that are plain text only (which exclude images and advertising):
SU Libraries also maintains “One Show” award book volumes; some include CDs. "One Show" (call number: NC 1001.5 O53) and "Art Directors Club" (call numbers: NC 997 A1 A69 || NC 997 A1 A691 || NC 997 A1 A692) print volumes for those design competitions, 1950s and after, are shelved in the (non-circulating) general reference collection, 2nd floor of Bird Library. For current shelving locations that include multiple item records for pre 1950s Art Directors Club volumes, enter a "subject " search into the SU Libraries Search Advanced Search screen for the phrase "Art Director's Club (New York, N.Y.)-Exhibitions." Pre-1950s volumes are more time consuming to retrieve, but can be requested individually from the library's high density, off-site storage facility using links embedded into item record, labeled - "Request: Book, Item, or Volume." To see that option be sure to login to the SU Libraries Search platform with your SU NETID and NETID password.
Most of these SU Libraries databases contain content that is primarily audiovisual. "World Advertising Research Center" is also an excellent source for written advertising case studies:
For older historical examples - use the SU Libraries Search tool (including applying the 'resource type' search result filter for "video/film" to identify DVD/VHS compilations of award winning commercials (e.g., Clio award winners; Cannes Lions winners; Gunn Report Show reels, The One Show, etc.) or video documentaries about the advertising industry.
OR..here's a list of some specific titles (request DVD/VHS viewing at 3rd floor service desk, Bird Library)
Cannes Lions:
2013: Video DVD 17906
2012: Video DVD 17212
2011: Video DVD 16493
2010: Video DVD 15729
2009: Video DVD 15213
2008: Video DVD 14257
2007: Video DVD 13258
Gunn Report:
2004-2014: Video DVD 12270
2003: Videocassette 11923
The One Show:
2010: Video DVD 16722
2009: Video DVD 16721
2008: Video DVD 15052
2007: Video DVD 13431
Clio Awards:
2010: Video DVD 16514
50th Anniversary Clio Awards (2009): Video DVD 15726
49th Clio Awards (2008): Video DVD 14562
48th Clio Awards (2007): Video DVD 13373
47th Clio Awards (2006): Video DVD 12660
46th Clio Awards (2005): Video DVD 12487
45th Clio Awards (2004): Video DVD 12488
44th Clio Awards (2003): Video DVD 11045
43rd Clio Awards (2002): Videocassette 10343
42nd Clio Awards (2001): Videocassette 9834
Clio Awards, 40th Anniversary Reel (2000): Videocassette 8727
1999 Clio Awards: Videocassette 8707
D&AD Awards:
Current and past winners are viewable online https://www.dandad.org/en/awards/
Effie Awards:
Offers collections of advertising case study descriptions. Full access, including video - requires a subscription https://www.effie.org
*ACCESS NOTE: Effie Award winners are included in the SU Libraries subscription to the WARC database (World Advertising Research Center)
SU Libraries also maintains “One Show” award book volumes; some include CDs. "One Show" (call number: NC 1001.5 O53) and "Art Directors Club" (call numbers: NC 997 A1 A69 || NC 997 A1 A691 || NC 997 A1 A692) print volumes for those design competitions, 1950s and after, are shelved in the (non-circulating) general reference collection, 2nd floor of Bird Library. For current shelving locations that include multiple item records for pre 1950s Art Directors Club volumes, enter a "subject" search into SU Libraries Search Advanced Search screen for the phrase "Art Director's Club (New York, N.Y.)-Exhibitions." Pre-1950s volumes are more time consuming to retrieve, but can be requested individually from the library's high density, off-site storage facility using links embedded into each SU Libraries Search - item record - by clicking on a link labeled - Request: Book, Item or Volume. When using Libraries Search be sure to "login" to that platform using your SU NETID/NETID password.
Students interested in advertising awards may wish to visit the websites listed below. Sometimes access to content may require individual subscription. But see also SU Libraries subscription to the WARC database (World Advertising Research Center). Additionally, in many cases SU Libraries has in its collection historical awards DVDs that represent some of these competitions. Search SU Libraries Search for the title of the awards series you are interested in (e.g., "Clio").
SU Libraries also offers the DVD: Advertising Video Gallery 2009 (DVD 13756, 3rd Floor, Bird Library) - A compilation of short lectures on advertising strategies along with excerpts from memorable commercials.
AdViews: AdViews digital collection provides access to thousands of historic commercials created for clients or acquired by the D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles (DMB&B) advertising agency or its predecessor during the 1950s - 1980s. All of the commercials held in the DMB&B Archives will be digitized, allowing students and researchers access to a wide range of vintage brand advertising from the first four decades of mainstream commercial television.
AdViews is a collaborative project between Duke's Digital Collections Program and the Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History, as well as a number of other groups, at Duke University.
See also - Ad*Access: From Duke University's J. Walter Thompson archival collections, examples of over 7000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955.
For more information about video visit SU Libraries - research guide for video
A cross-section of current periodical titles available for browsing on the 2nd floor, current periodicals section of Bird Library.
A to H | L to W |
To identify whether SU Libraries has a specific magazine (i.e., journal) title in its print or online collection, you can: