American Psychological Association's Testing and Assessment Page
Features a trove of information on tests and testing, and is designed for professionals. Page contains links to testing standards resources, including a page dedicated to the "Rights and Responsibilities of Test Takers: Guidelines and Expectations."
American Psychological Association's FAQ/Finding Information About Psychological Tests
Linked from the APA's main Testing and Assessment Page, this page features guidance for finding information on published and unpublished tests and measures.
Buros Institute of Mental Measures
Buros is one of the biggest names in testing and assessment, and their resources are useful for educators, psychologists and the general public. The Mental Measurements Yearbook volumes may be requested from the Facility. The institute publishes the Mental Measures Yearbook and Tests in Print, and this website features information on how to use and cite from these resources. Also, the Buros website contains many other resources-including articles and research reports-on the subject of testing and assessment.
Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation, and Educational Policy (CSTEEP)
CSTEEP is a part of the Boston College in the School of Education, and the center conducts research on testing, evaluation, assessment and comparative research relating specifically to educational testing. This site contains resources relating to CSTEEP projects whose resources and research are relevant to all educational settings.
ETS Test Collection Database
The ETS Test Collection is a database of 25,000 "tests and other measurement devices from the early 1900s to the present." The SU Libraries owns this collection in microfiche. Use the ETS Test Collection database to identify the test you want.
Internet Resources for Higher Education Outcomes Assessment
This North Carolina State University site features a massive and annotated listing of assessment websites relating to higher education. Individual institutions are featured, as well as links to general resources, assessment handbooks, accrediting bodies and student assessment of courses and faculty.
Finding Tests & Measurement Instruments
From University of Michigan Library - a helpful guide to finding tests.