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Tests and Measures: Tests in Books to Copy

Tests in Selected Books to Photocopy

Most of the books listed below are available in the Reference collection (Bird, 2nd floor). Others are available online with links provided or may be available at other Syracuse University Libraries. Many of these books include descriptions of tests that are not full text, but they all include at least some full text tests as well. These usually have a citation from which you can track to the full text.


Assessing the elderly: a practical guide to measurement
 RC954.3 .K36

Research instruments in social gerontology 
 HQ1061 .R44 1982

Source book of geriatric assessment
 RC451.4.A5 I8713 1984


Alcoholism treatment assessment research instruments
HE 20.8308/2:2

Assessing alcohol problems: a guide for clinicians and researchers
HE 20.8308/2:4/2003
Available online

Drug abuse instrument handbook: selected items for psychosocial drug research
HE 20.8214:12


Exacting beauty: theory, assessment, and treatment of body image disturbance
RC569.5.B65 E93 1999


Assessment and treatment of childhood problems 
RJ506.B44 S37 2002

Assessing children's well-being: a handbook of measures
RJ50 .A835 2004

Children in pain: clinical and research issues from a developmental perspective
RJ365 .C47 1991


Designing and conducting health surveys: a comprehensive guide
RA408.5 .A33 1989

Handbook of pain assessment
 RB127 .H355 1992

Instruments for measuring nursing practice and other health care variables
 HE 20.6602:In 7/3/v.1-2

Measuring health: a review of quality of life measurement scales
RA407 .B69 2005

The measurement of health: concepts and indicators
RA407 .L37 1991

Measurement tools in patient education
R727.4 .M4 1998

Patient education: a practical approach
R727.4 .L67 1996

Pediatric pain
RJ365 .P43 1990

Process evaluation for public health interventions and research
RA440.85 .P76 2002

UCLA Center for HIV Identification, Prevention and Treatment Services. Prevention and Treatment Services database
Available online


Handbook of marketing scales: multi-item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research
HF5415.3 .B323 1999

Marketing scales handbook: a compilation of multi-item measures
HF5415.3 .B785 1994      

HF5415.3 .B785 2009- available online.  Choose "Electronic Resource" next to the red "Get it" arrow and then "Marketing Scales Handbook Volume 5"


Handbook of family measurement techniques
HQ728 .H267 2001

Handbook of measurements for marriage and family therapy
RC488.5 .F73 1987

Marriage and family assessment: a sourcebook for family therapy
HV697 .M37 1983


Practitioner’s guide to empirically based measures of anxiety 
RC531 .P73 2001

Practitioner's guide to empirically based measures of depression
RC537 .P6924 2000

Rating scales in mental health
RC473.P78 S245 2003


Handbook of tests and measures for black populations
BF176 .H37 1996

The measurement of attitudes toward people with disabilities: methods, psychometrics, and scales
 HV1553 .A62 1988


Handbook of organizational measurement
HM131 .P728 1986

Measures of occupational attitudes and occupational characteristics
JA74 .R57 APPX.A

Taking the measure of work: a guide to validated scales for organizational research and diagnosis
HM786 .F54 2002


Clinical measurement package 
RC469 .H83

Communication research measures: a sourcebook
P91.3 .C62 1994
P91.3 .C623 2009- missing

ECDEU assessment manual for psychopharmacology
HE 20.8108:P 95/2/976
Available online

Handbook of psychiatric measures
Includes a CD-ROM
RC473.P78 A46 2000
Bird 3rd floor GSIC lab

Handbook of research design and social measurement 
H62 .M44 2002
H62 .M44 1991
H62 .M44 1983
H62 .M44 1977b

Handbook of scales for research in crime and delinquency
HV9274 .B76 1983
Located in Law Library- Floor 2

Handbook of sexuality-related measures
HQ60 .H36 1998

Handbook of tests and measurement in education and the social sciences
LB3051 .L4543 2000

Integrated treatment for dual disorders: a guide to effective practice
RC564.68 .I684 2003

Measures of personality and social psychological attitudes 
BF698.4 .M38 1991

Measures of personality and social psychological constructs
BF698.4 M347 2015
Also available online

Measures of religiosity
BR110 .M43 1999

Mirrors for behavior III; an anthology of observation instruments
LB1131.5 .S551 1974

Play diagnosis and assessment
RJ503.7.P55 P43 1991

Positive psychological assessment: a handbook of models and measures
BF176 .P67 2003

Sociological measurement; an inventory of scales and indices
Z7164.S68 B6

The sourcebook of nonverbal measures: going beyond words
P99.5 .S58 2004

Tests : a comprehensive reference for assessments in psychology, education, and business
BF176 .T43 2003


Measures of political attitudes
JA74.5 .M43 1999
HM291 .R62 1973