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Civic and Global Responsibility Shared Competency

This research guide is a companion to the rubric for the Civic and Global Responsibility Shared Competency.

About SoTL

The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL, pronounced “sō-tul” in the US) is a synthesis of teaching, learning, and research in higher education that aims to bring a scholarly lens—the curiosity, the inquiry, the rigor, the disciplinary variety—to what happens in the classroom (brick-and-mortar, virtual, co-curricular, et al.).

SoTL involves

  • asking meaningful questions about student learning and about the teaching activities designed to facilitate student learning,
  • answering those questions by first making relevant student learning visible as evidence of thinking and learning (or mis-learning), and then systematically analyzing this evidence, and
  • sharing the results of that analysis publicly to invite review and to contribute to the body of knowledge on student learning in a variety of contexts, and
  • aiming to improve student learning by strengthening the practice of teaching (one’s own and others’).

From Chick, Nancy. (n.d.). A scholarly approach to teaching. In Scholarship of teaching and learning: A guide from the Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. Retrieved from

SoTL Resources

Examples of SoTL in Civic and Global Responsibility

Ash, Sarah L., Patti H. Clayton, and Maxine P. Atkinson. “Integrating Reflection and Assessment to Capture and Improve Student Learning.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 11, no. 2 (Spring 2005): 49–60.
Bauer, Tamara, Lori E. Kniffin, and Kerry L. Priest. “The Future of Service-Learning and Community Engagement: Asset-Based Approaches and Student Learning in First-Year Courses.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 22, no. 1 (Fall 2015): 89–92.
Carrick-Hagenbarth, Jessica, and Rhiannon M. Maton. “(De)Colonizing Pedagogy: Possibilities and Tensions in Undergraduate Transformative Learning Through Simulation.” Journal of Transformative Education 21, no. 2 (April 1, 2023): 262–82.
Lee, Chance. “Review Essay Stories of Global Learning through Domestic Programs.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 22, no. 2 (Spring 2016): 55–60.
Maslin-Ostrowski, Pat, Eleanor Drago-Severson, Janet Ferguson, Victoria J. Marsick, and Margaret Hallett. “An Innovative International Community Engagement Approach: Story Circles as Catalysts for Transformative Learning.” Journal of Transformative Education 16, no. 2 (April 1, 2018): 130–50.
Mthethwa-Sommers, Shirley. “Pedagogical Possibilities: Lessons From Social Justice Educators.” Journal of Transformative Education 10, no. 4 (October 1, 2012): 219–35.
O’Meara, KerryAnn, and Elizabeth Niehaus. “Service-Learning Is… How Faculty Explain Their Practice.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 16, no. 1 (Fall 2009): 17–32.
Pederson, JoEllen G., Heather G. Lettner-Rust, Alix D. Dowling Fink, Mark L. Fink, Ann Renee Gutiérrez, Edward L. Kinman, Connie M. Koski, et al. “The Field Immersion Framework: A Transformative Pedagogy for Experiential Civic Education.” Journal of Transformative Education 20, no. 3 (July 1, 2022): 189–205.
Robinson, Andrew Alan, and Leah Levac. “Transformative Learning in Developing as an Engaged Global Citizen.” Journal of Transformative Education 16, no. 2 (April 1, 2018): 108–29.
Steinman, Erich. “‘Making Space’: Lessons from Collaborations with Tribal Nations.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 18, no. 1 (Fall 2011): 5–18.
Tharp, D. Scott. “A Proposed Workshop Curriculum for Students to Responsibly Engage Cultural Conflict in Community-Based Service Learning.” Journal of Transformative Education 10, no. 3 (July 1, 2012): 177–94.
Gorder, Andrew Christian van. “Pedagogy for the Children of the Oppressors: Liberative Education for Social Justice Among the World’s Privileged.” Journal of Transformative Education 5, no. 1 (January 1, 2007): 8–32.

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Publishing in SoTL

Video about publishing in SoTL from Elon University's Center for Engaged Learning.