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Syracuse University Libraries


Syracuse University Access to Dimensions

Dimensions is a research analytics tool developed and provided by Digital Science. It offers linked data from publications, grants, datasets, policy documents, online mentions, clinical trials, and patents. Because of this unique ability to locate data across sources within one tool, Dimensions has options for sharing the data and also generating analytical reports, which include built-in visualizations such as VOSviewer.

image of Dimensions with logo. "Linked Information at your Fingertips"

What is Dimensions?

What is Included in Dimensions?

Publications: Dimensions uses a variety of sources including Crossref, PubMed, Europe PubMed Central, and arXiv and other repositories along with 130 publishers.

Grants: Grants data from ca. 600+ funders worldwide is provided directly by funders themselves or from public sources. A full list of grants sources is available here.

Datasets: Datasets data comes from Figshare and DataCite.

Patents: data comes from IFI Claims, also part of Digital Science, which aggregates information from a variety of patent offices.

Clinical Trials: data comes from a variety of international clinical trial registries.

Policy Documents: data comes from various sources such as WHO, World Bank, and CDC.  

The following report, "A Collaborative Approach to Research Discovery", includes additional details about subject area coverage in Dimensions.