WorldCat is a global catalog of library collections
We offer ebooks, located in our databases, and physical books, located on our shelves. You can search for both using Libraries Search.
For example, I am looking for a book called Liberation Day: Stories by George Saunders.
I begin at the library homepage and choose the Advanced Search option...
...because I already know a couple of things about what I want: the title and the author.
search for those two things together (read the underlined sentence at the bottom of the image)...
and come to this result, which shows that we have both an ebook and a physical book:
No library owns everything!
If we don't have what you're looking for, we'll borrow it for you from another library:
This is a FREE service provided by the SU Libraries through ILLiad, our automated interlibrary loan system. Some publications (e.g. journal articles) may be e-mailed directly to you as PDF files. Books need to be picked up at Bird Library.