Diversity and Inclusion: This is SU's primary website for diversity and inclusion.
Campus Commitments to Diversity and Inclusion
Progress of Student Concerns and Recommendations
Reach the Chief Equal Opportunity and Title IX Officer Sheila Johnson: titleix@syr.edu or sjohnson@syr.edu
2021 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Strategic Plan
Academic Strategic Planning (ongoing)
Recordings of Academic Strategic Planning Forums (includes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Forums)
Bias Incident Reports from the Department of Public Safety
The Center for Disability Resources
Council on Diversity and Inclusion
Native American and Indigenous Students
Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion, and Resolution Services
Office of Multicultural Affairs
Conversations About Race & Ethnicity (C.A.R.E.)
Office of Veteran and Military Affairs
see also the Library Resources page of this LibGuide
Our Time has Come Scholarships
Syracuse University Learning Communities (LLC)
There are over 30 Living Learning Communities, including: Indigenous Living Learning Community, LGBTQ+ Learning Community, Multicultural Living-Learning Community, Upperclass Multicultural LLC, and more.
See additional listings below under "Centers and Institutes"
Syracuse University also has numerous opportunities relating to languages, literatures, and cultures around the globe, including more than 100 study abroad programs within 60 countries.
Aging Studies Institute "...coordinates and promotes aging-related research, training, and outreach" at SU
National Institute on Aging Funds Multi-University Aging and Policy Center July 21, 2020
Burton Blatt Institute "...advancing the civic, economic, and social participation of people with disabilities..."
Below is a recording of a virtual event to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act: “A Crip Reckoning: Reflections on the ADA@30”
Community Folk Art Center "...is a vibrant cultural and artistic hub committed to the promotion and development of artists of the African Diaspora. Our mission is to exalt cultural and artistic pluralism by collecting, exhibiting, teaching and interpreting the visual and expressive arts."
Visit CFAC’s New Online Gallery July 15, 2020
Listen to the podcast "Black Art Speaks"
Democratizing Knowledge Syracuse University - from their website: "The Democratizing Knowledge (DK) Project: Developing Literacies, Building Communities, Seeding Change, is a Syracuse University Chancellor’s Leadership Project launched in the 2009-2010 academic year. DK focuses on producing transformative knowledges and collectivities with the purpose of contributing to the growth of inclusive publics in higher education, in the workforce, and in the larger polity nationally and globally." Democratizing Knowledge is hosting a webinar series, "Communities of Color, (In)Justice, and Multiple Pandemics."
Disability Cultural Center coordinates "...campus-wide social, educational, and cultural activities on disability issues for students, faculty, staff, and community members with and without disabilities."
Imagining America: "The Imagining America consortium (IA) brings together scholars, artists, designers, humanists, and organizers to imagine, study, and enact a more just and liberatory ‘America’ and world."
Institute on Communication and Inclusion "...giving a voice and a means to communicate to people with disabilities who may have otherwise been living in silence or isolation..."
Intergroup Dialogue "...to increase understanding of social identities...to explore the impact at personal, interpersonal, community, cultural, institutional, and societal levels...to practice dialogue skills toward identifying actions to address social justice issues."
La Casita Cultural Center "...established to advance an educational and cultural agenda of civic engagement through research, cultural heritage preservation, media, and the arts, bridging the Hispanic communities of Syracuse University and Central New York."
Lender Center for Social Justice "...will host activities and programming, including interdisciplinary conversations related to issues of social justice and collaborations with other University units to promote a robust dialogue about issues of justice, equity, and inclusion."
LGBTQ Resource Center "...strives to serve people with marginalized genders and sexualities by offering support, building community, and educating members of the Syracuse University community."
Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
Regional Centers:
Center for International Services "The Center for International Services is the resource for international students, scholars and their dependents on issues related to immigration status, employment, cultural, social and academic concerns which impact your success at Syracuse University."
Lawrence B. Taishoff Center for Inclusive Higher Education "committed to individualized and inclusive higher educational opportunities for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities."
The Tully Center for Free Speech "promotes and supports free speech through research, education and a series of events, including the annual Tully Award for Free Speech."
Office of Veteran Success "The mission of the Office of Veteran Success is to support the student veteran experience on campus by assisting with their veteran educational benefits and the veteran work-study program."
If a related and currently active recognized student group has been omitted, please feel free to contact any member of the Diversity and Inclusion Team listed on the guide tab above that reads "Diversity for Library Staff."
The following groups have information on the Hendricks Chapel website:
Adventist Christian Fellowship, Baha'i Student Club of Syracuse University, Bible Studies Ministry: Chinese Fellowship, Brothers And Sisters In Christ (BASIC) All Nations, Christian Outreach, Christian Science College Organization, Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Latter-day Saint Student Association (LDSSA), Mustard Seed Fellowship, Orthodox Christian Fellowship, Soka Gakkai International (SGI), SU Pagan Association, SU Student Buddhist Association, The Vineyard, Young Life College
Note that there are additional articles under the Diversity in Higher Ed tab of this guide.
During 2019-2021, SU commissioned a study of the university climate. The executive summary provides an overview of the results of the campus-wide survey. Additional information can be found at the Campus Climate Pulse Survey webpage.
Descriptions of organizations are from the organization's website or from the Directory of Local Organizations maintained by the CNY Solidarity Coalition.