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Syracuse University Libraries

Digital Humanities Resources: Home

Welcome to Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities (DH) is a field which aims to use computing/digital technology tools to answer humanities questions. The borders of DH are constantly changing with the advent of new technology. This website offers over 500 definitions of DH. A Digital Humanities project can be any scholarly activity that involves making use of analytics tools, analyzing research materials in digital form, or presenting scholarship on digital platforms. Since the subjects of DH inquiries may not strictly based in the humanities, researchers may find overlaps with work being done under the umbrella of the field of Digital Scholarship (DS). 

This guide introduces Syracuse University faculty, students, and staff to digital humanities resources, including recommended tools and databases, readings on the latest developments in the field, and examples of projects for reader use and for inspiration. 

DH Library Staff

Patrick Williams

Humanities Librarian, Lead Librarian for Digital & Open Scholarship


Lydia McKelvie 

Graduate Student in Art and Music Histories 


What are the Digital Humanities?