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Digital Humanities Resources: R Studio for DH

R for DH

These tutorials are prepared for researcher with few or no background in R or any programming languages:

1. If you have no idea what R & R Studio are and how to download them, please check the items in section one.

2. You can start with section two to learn basics of R programming. There are numerous tutorials on R Basics on the Internet. If you are interested in learning more, we recommend you this book (free).

3. Second three offers a hands-on practice for you to learn basic text mining with R by working with a real-world dataset: (lyrics of popular songs in billboard from 1964 to 2015). You can learn the basics of tokenization, text cleaning, visualization, and sentiment analysis. If you are interested in learning more, we recommend you this book (free).

The data and tutorials in section two and three can also be found in a GitHub repository.

1. Tutorials: Installing R and R Studio

R is a free and open source software program for statistical analysis

R Studio is a free and open source development environment for R. You normally use R Studio to do the analysis because it is designed to be a better place to write codes, import data, and view output. However, you need to install R first before you can install R Studio.

1. Data Camp Tutorial: How to Install R on Windows, Mac OS X, and Ubuntu

2. Video Tutorial: Installing R and R Studio on Mac

3. Video Tutorial: Installing R and R Studio on Windows