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Syracuse University Libraries

SEM 100 - Hope Jahren's Lab Girl: Using SU Libraries

Discover research tools, explore the research process, and locate helpful resources related to Lab Girl. Created by your friendly librarians at Syracuse University.

Welcome to SU Libraries!

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SU Libraries: Getting Started

Wondering where to start your research at SU Libraries? Confused by all of the resources and services that we offer? You're not alone! After all, SU Libraries offers more than a billion resources, and it can feel completely overwhelming to try and figure out which resources best fit your information needs. If you have any questions about the services and resources that SU Libraries offer, please reach out to us using any of the methods listed in the "Need Help?" box on the left side of this guide. 

Summon & (Summon Advanced Search)
A search engine for most of the Syracuse University Libraries’ collections and other resources beyond the SU Libraries. Includes articles, books, journals, maps, sound recordings, archival materials, government documents, and more. Use for searching for articles. Narrow or expand results using multiple search refinements.

Course Reserves
Concerned about the cost of textbooks? Check to see if any of your textbooks are available for short-term borrowing at SU Libraries, 

Journal Locator
A list of print and electronic journals, magazines, and newspapers available through the Syracuse University Libraries. Search or browse by title, ISSN, or subject category.

Databases A-Z
A list of databases available through the Syracuse University Libraries. Includes databases containing articles, images, data, and videos. Search for a database by title, subject area, or content type.

Research Guides 
Discover research tools, explore the research process, and locate helpful resources for a wide variety of academic topics and specific courses. Click on the "By Type" tab to see additional options. Created by your friendly librarians at Syracuse University.

Subject Librarians
Looking for specialized resources for your class or major? Each academic department has a subject librarian who specializes in supporting students and researchers in that subject. 

Research Strategies and Approaches
Wondering how to approach the research process or evaluate sources? Curious how to craft a thesis statement? Need help with citation styles such as APA and MLA? Then these videos and tutorials will help you develop strategies and approaches throughout the research process. Off-campus viewers will be prompted for NetID and password.