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Syracuse University Libraries

HathiTrust Digital Library

Search Fields and Options

The HathiTrust collection can be searched by keyword from the top of any page, with more advanced options using the Advanced Search. 

  • Full Text & All Fields to search all the text of all the volumes in the entire digital library including book citation information such as Title or Author.
  • All Fields to search book citation information only, such as Title, Publisher, and Author, or Library of Congress Subject Heading.
  • Advanced Search 
    • to combine several phrases or words found in different fields
    • to limit by publication year, language, or format.
    • to limit by full text availability -- called "Full View Only"

You can also search inside collections of works that you or others have created (See Featured Collections).

Search example

Search Results

By default, your search results will include all non-copyright volumes — known as “Full View” — limited by the search terms that you apply. These titles are available for you to access because they are in the public domain or licensed as open access.

To also include texts that are restricted by copyright in your search results, specify “All Items” under “Item Viewability.”

Example search results

Search Inside a Volume

Search inside of any volume in HathiTrust, regardless of whether it is "Full View" or "Search Only."

Search Only Volumeexample for search inside

Full View Volume

example search inside

Custom Collections

Collections are a way for you to gather related resources together.

  • Make a collection of a specific author, time period, or subject
  • Create a reserve list for a specific course
  • Compare different editions or translations of the same work

Log in to save a collection.  Learn how to create your own collection.