ArcGIS Pro is a windows based software.
Verify your computer's ability to run ArcGIS Pro This is a link from Esri that will determine if you can run ArcGIS Pro on your computer.
The following software must be installed before installing ArcGIS Pro: Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 8.0.0 or a later patch release (8.0.1 and so on), using a Windows x64 installer, is required.
ArcGIS Pro for MAC users
ArcGIS Pro can be installed and run on a Mac computer using either a dual-boot system or in a virtual environment.
For detailed information on installing ArcGIS Pro on a Mac, please read through the information on Esri's "Run ArcGIS Pro on a Mac" webpage.
Access to ArcGIS Pro software (The current version being used on campus is ArcGIS Pro 3.3.1)
Download ArcGIS Pro software
NOTE!! If you have downloaded a different version from what is used on campus, you may have compatibility issues. It is highly recommended that you only use the version that the campus is using to prevent problems that may occur when trying to open layers and projects in a different version that what they were created in.