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Syracuse University Libraries

Museum Studies Resource Guide: Getting Started

Department of Museum Studies and more

More topics to explore

More controversy

Brooklyn Museum "Sensation Show" First amendment or censorship?

The Getty Museum (former curator of antiquities Marion True on trial. Whose fault is it?

Repatriation of artifacts to countries of origin.

Sistine Chapel cleaning- color controversy.

Native American sacred artifacts and human remains on display.

Looting of Iraq's Art Museum.

Enola Gay controversy at the Smithsonian.

Woman kisses Cy Twombly painting leaves lipstick marks.

Deaccessioning- Rose Art Museum and Brandeis University and sale of major art works.


Other questions to think about.

Can a curator be too subjective, bias in her/his choice in an exhibition?

Who decides what is ethical, legal and "right"? Is there a "check and balance"?

What does the  First Amendment have to do with a museum exhibition?

Can a poorly installed exhibition ruin the the show?

Incorrect provenance?