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Syracuse University Libraries

Transformative Agreements and APC Coverage: IOP

Opportunities for Open Access Publishing without Author Fees

Author Instructions

Scholars at Syracuse University publishing in IOP journals can now have their open access fees covered by a transformative agreement negotiated by the libraries. Please review the following to see if your costs can be covered:

  • A SU researcher (faculty, staff, student, or visiting scholar at the time of acceptance) must be listed as the corresponding author to take advantage of the agreement
  • Articles may not have more than one corresponding author
  • During the peer review process, IOP will inform corresponding authors of their article's possibility to be made open access. If you're unsure if your article qualifies, please contact the Open Scholarship librarian, Dylan Mohr.
  • A handful of IoP journals and its partner societies are not included in this agreement. This includes the society titles such American Astronomical Society (AAS) journals. AAS' explanation can be found here.

More publishing information for authors can be found on IoP's website.

Articles covered by this agreement will be published with a CC-BY license. This means that authors can immediately post the version of record to SURFACE (Syracuse University's institutional repository) or any other subject repository.

Institute of Physics

Institute of Physics (IOP) - The Science Council ~ : The Science Council ~


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Dylan Mohr