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Syracuse University Libraries

Program Notes Challenge

E-mail challenge for music students

Program Notes Challenge - an Introduction

Welcome to the Program Notes Challenge!

This Challenge includes tasks designed to help musicians get their program notes written before the weekend before a recital. Activities are presented as daily "challenges" that researchers might accomplish over the course of one week. However, each activity stands alone and can be completed separately from the others and at a time that is convenient for you. 

The first few days focus on information seeking, and the challenge addresses formatting.

Have questions about this program? Check out the Write Program Notes Research Guide but don't hesitate to contact Amanda DuBose, music and performing arts librarian.

Let's get started!

 Note: the content in this guide is adapted from Power Researcher Challenge by Jen Bonnet and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike.   

An additional special thanks is owed to Rachel Fox Von Swearingen for creating the original program notes research guide and granting use of the material.