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German Language and Literature: Home

German Language & Literature at Syracuse University

The Syracuse University German Program is part of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics in the College of Arts & Sciences.

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Writing a paper

When you write a paper or give a presentation you need to have a topic( thesis topic), and you must reference your sources according to one citation manual.

Take a moment to think about your topic.

Define your topic by asking yourself a set of questions. Turn your topic into a research question (a thesis topic).

Think of words and phrases to use in a search for information regarding your topic. If nothing works, change your search terms to find more specific or more general information. Remember you can always ask for research help from a librarian.

Databases and E-Book Collections of Interest

Foreign Language News and Newspapers: German

List provided MIT Libraries

Das Aktuelle Tagesprogramm
Information on German television.

Berliner Morgenpost
Berlin daily newspaper.

Bild Online
From Germany

Daily news reports from Bayerischer Rundfunk.

An electronics magazine.

A monthly women's magazine.

A satirical magazine from Berlin.

Daily news from Germany.

A newsmagazine from Germany.

A newsmagazine from Germany.

GEO Explorer
News from "Project Tropical Rainforest" and GEO magazine.

Ulm, Germany News
News from Ulm, Germany.


Hamburger Morgenpost
"The first German tabloid on the Web."

A German "youth magazine".

Der Journalist
From Germany.

Junge Welt
Berlin daily.

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger
Online news from Köln.

Daily news from Germany.

Maerkische Allgemeine

Daily newspaper from Brandenburg, Germany.

Markt & Technik
Selected articles from this business magazine.

Mittlebayerische Zeitung
News from Regensburg.

A monthly environmental magazine.
An online technology magazine.

Nurnberger Nachrichten
A Nurnberg paper, updated monthly.

PC Magazin News
From Germany. (Contains summary of latest issue and archives.)

Perlentaucher: Literatur im Internet
Cultural magazine pointing to book reviews in major German-language newspapers.
Presseportal: Pressemittteilungen & Artikel kostenlos veröffentlichen

Rheinische Post
Online edition of this paper from Düsseldorf.

Rheinscher Merkur
Online multimedia news from Germany.

Saarbrucker Zeitung
One of Germany's major regional newspapers.

From Hannover, Germany.

Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag
Allows free access to the archives of this German newspaper.

Schwäbisches Tagblatt
Online news from TÜingen.

Schwäbische Zeitung
From Germany.

Das Sonntagsblatt
From Hamburg.

Der Spiegel
Germany's first online political magazine.

A major German magazine.

Die Süddeutsche Zeitung
German daily.

German newspaper with video available.

A cultural magazine from Berlin.

TV Movie On
An on-line German movie magazine.

VDI Nachrichten
From Dusseldorf, Germany

Die Welt
One of Germany's most well-known daily papers.

The WWW Virtual Library
German media resources from "the oldest library on the internet."

Die Zeit
Die Zeit on the Internet.

Zitty Online
News and cultural information from Berlin.

Zweite Hand
On-line German car and motorcycle news published three times a week.


Dictionaries, Bibliograhies