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Syracuse University Libraries

ELI Fulbright English for Graduate Studies Program: Home

About this Guide

This guide is intended to serve as a starting place for participants in the Fulbright English for Graduate Studies Program at Syracuse University’s English Language Institute. It includes links to some recommended databases for research in Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Engineering. Additionally, below this box you will find links to work from previous years' cohorts in the program, housed in SURFACE, SU's institutional repository.

CItation Links and Tools

Former Fulbright Scholar Research Posters

Posters from previous years' Fulbright English for Graduate Studies Program can be viewed in SURFACE, the Syracuse University Digital Repository.


Research Starting Places

The resources listed here are recommended starting places for your research, organized by discipline. The Libraries subscribe to many, many more databases, which you can browse via this link: Databases A-Z Menu.

Very Large Interdisciplanary Databases (you may need to use SULinks to connect to full text)

Humanities Databases of Note

Social Sciences Databases of Note

Science & Engineering Databases of Note

For our in-class exercise

Background & Reference Sources