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Disability Statistics: Statistical Data Sources

Sources to find statistics related to disability.

Sites that Compile Disability Statistics from Other Sources

These sites often make it easier to search, compile and understand the statistics

Annual Disability Compendium  from The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability Statistics and Demographics (StatsRRTC). The StatsRRTC’s research and outreach activities draw upon data from major national survey data (such as the ACS, CPS, NHIS, and SIPP) and the administrative records of government programs (such as SSDI, SSI, federal/state VR programs).  Includes a few international disability statistics.

State Data Info from Institute for Community Inclusion. The site currently includes data sets from state Intellectual disability/developmental disabilities agencies, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) outcomes data from the the Rehabilitation Services Administration, the Social Security Administration, state Mental Health agencies., U.S. Census and the U.S. Department of Labor.

Resource Guide to Disability Statistics (from American Foundation for the Blind)    The primary focus of the American Foundation for the Blind's Public Policy Center is programs affecting education and rehabilitation of persons with vision loss, as well as laws that relate to economic status and civil rights. However, policy advocates often require information about disability-specific demographic data. This page is intended to provide advocates with information and tips pertaining to accurate use of data sources that include individuals with vision loss.

Disability Statistics - Online Resource for U.S. Disability Statistics from Cornell University.  Contains "Annual Disability Status Reports" which provide policy makers, disability advocates, reporters, and the public with a summary of the most recent demographic and economic statistics on the non-institutionalized population with disabilities. They contain information on the population size and disability prevalence for various demographic subpopulations, as well as statistics related to employment, earnings, and household income. Comparisons are made to people without disabilities and across disability types. Disability Status Reports and other statistics are available for each state, DC, and Puerto Rico. The estimates provided on this website are based on analyses of three different data sources: the American Community Survey (ACS), Current Population Survey (CPS), and Census 2000.

Catalog of Disability and Compensation Variables from Cornell University.  Browse or search across 11 major datasets for variables related to: disability and health conditions, work and employer characteristics including compensation such as pay and benefits. The catalog provides: variable names, survey questions, response categories and related variables that can be exported into an excel spreadsheet for your use. This tool is designed to provide an overview across multiple datasets - always use the dataset’s codebook/dictionary to guide actual analysis. To view dataset descriptions and caveats click on dataset acronym.   The Employment and Disability Institute (EDI) advances knowledge, policies, and practices to enhance the opportunities of people with disabilities through projects, training, technical assistance, research, and publications.

Disability Employment Policy Resources by Topic (ODEP - - Office of Disability Employment Policy)

Databases that Search a Wide Variety of Statistics (not only disability)

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Giovanna Colosi
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