The cookbook collection currently resides in two physical locations while we await renovations to the Carnegie Library books stacks. Some can be browsed in Bird Library, 4th floor near the LP's and others need to be requested from long-term storage. We also have many eBook cookbooks available online. One can virtually browse our cookbooks and cooking collections through Libraries Search or, if one is seeking a specific title, ask for help from friendly library staff.
Cookbooks typically fall within the following Library of Congress call number ranges:
TX642-TX840 Cookery
TX645 Cookery-history
TX653-TX658 Kitchens, cooking equipment, utensils
TX703-TX713 Cookbooks, early to 1800
TX714 Cookbooks, general, 1800-present
TX715 Cookbooks, 1800-present, American, Canadian
TX715 Cookbooks, 1800-present, world
TX727 Menus, bills of fare
TX731-TX740 Cookery- entertaining, holidays and special occasions
TX741-TX759 Cookery – foods of animal origin
TX761-TX799 Cookery – baking and confectionery
TX801-TX814 Cookery – vegetables, cereals, fruits, nuts
TX814-TX817 Beverages
TX820-TX840 Cookery – special variations (Barbecue, institutional, food processor, etc.)