For basic background information, video collections, and links to other related resources, check out these reference and video sources:
- A Dictionary of Film Studies
Covers all aspects of film studies, including terms, concepts, debates, and movements in film theory and criticism, national, international and transnational cinemas, film history, film movements and genres, film industry organizations and practices, and key technical terms and concepts in 500 detailed entries.
- Filmakers Library Online
Provides award-winning documentaries with relevance across the curriculum, race and gender studies, human rights, globalization and global studies, multiculturalism, international relations, criminal justice, the environment, bioethics, health, political science and current events, psychology, arts, literature, and more.
- Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender: Men and Women in the World's Cultures
The central aim of this encyclopedia is to give the reader a comparative perspective on issues involving conceptions of gender, gender differences, gender roles, relationships between the genders, and sexuality.