Spanish Literature Encyclopedias are located on the second floor reference area of PQ6006 and on the fifth floor in various locations.
Dictionaries are located on the second floor reference area and on the fifth floor.
Diccionario de autores de las literaturas hispánicas
OVERSIZE PQ6051 .D53 1980
Diccionario de retórica y poética
PN172 .B47 1985
Hispanic writers in French journals : an annotated bibliography
CB226 .H5
Censura y literaturas peninsulares
Z658.S7 C45 1987
Latin American writers and the rise of Hollywood cinema
PN1993.5.U65 B655 2008
Latin American writers.
Supplement PQ7081.A1 L37 1989 (Ref 2nd floor)
Mexican literature : a bibliography of secondary sources
PQ7141 .F63 1981 (Ref. 2nd floor)
Diccionario esencial de la lengua española
PC4628.D5123 2006
Word-for-word English-Spanish, Spanish-English Dictionary
PC4640.W67 2009
The Concise Oxford English Dictionary
PE1628.C68 2008
The Oxford Spanish dictionary : Spanish-English, English-Spanish
PC4640.O94 2008 Ref 2nd floor
A Student Guide to Critical Spanish; a Tentative English-Spanish Glossary of Language Used in the Discussion of Literature
Biographical dictionary of Hispanic literature in the United States : the literature of Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and other Hispanic writers
PQ7420.2 .K3 1989 (Ref 2nd floor)