What happens to my content when I leave?
When you graduate, retire, or otherwise leave Syracuse University, your access to ArcGIS will end eventually. Your content in ArcGIS Online will not be deleted immediately, we will delete after one year from when you left the University. Therefore, you will need decide what to do with your data, layers, and projects, etc.. Read through the list below to see what your options are.
Before I graduate or leave, what should I do with my ArcGIS Online content?
Before you graduate and still have access to your ArcGIS Online account, you need to decide what you want to do with your content. You have two main options:
What if I can no longer login but need help with managing my content?
Please arcgis@syr.edu. for assistance.
After I graduate or leave, when will I lose the ability to login?
Losing access typically occurs one year after your association with the University ends (graduation, retirement, etc.) You will no longer be able to access ArcGIS through the University account.
Your access is tied to your role at SU. As long as you have at least one role as an active student, staff, faculty, or sponsored affiliate, then your SU account will remain active and you will still be authorized to use ArcGIS.
So, if you are graduating, but will be continuing to work as a university employee, your access will continue uninterrupted.
What can I do if I have graduated or left, but still need to work in ArcGIS on an SU related project?
If you are working with an SU faculty or staff member as an affiliate researcher on the project you should have that faculty or staff member request access for you.
You may only use your ArcGIS access as a sponsored affiliate for the purposes of working on SU sponsored projects.
What can I do if I have graduated or left SU but still need to work in ArcGIS?
You will need to obtain your own ArcGIS for Personal Use account for professional development purposes. It also includes licensing for ArcGIS Pro and many other ArcGIS components.
Or, if you have moved to another institution that has its own ArcGIS Online organization, then you can move your content there, and work under that license.
Can I still access my publicly shared content after I leave?
Yes, anyone can access publicly shared content without having to login.
Can I still access my content after I leave?
Only if you shared that content publicly with Everyone before you left. Then you, and everyone else will still be able to access that content, even after you can no longer login to your old SU account.
You will not be able to access content if you set your items to be shared or limited to the “private” or “with a group” categories.
We strongly recommend that before you leave, you either transfer ownership of your contents to another SU user or transfer them to another ArcGIS Online organization.
Can group members access my shared content after I leave?
Yes, if you shared your content layers, etc. with a group, then other members of that group will still be able to access that content as they did before.
We strongly recommend that before you leave, you either transfer ownership of content to another SU user who is a member of that group. See Change Owner for ArcGIS Online Content information here or transfer the content to another ArcGIS Online organization.
How do I transfer ownership of content to another SU user?
You can transfer ownership of your content in ArcGIS Online to another SU user before you leave. See this link on how to Change Owner for ArcGIS Online Content.
If you need assistance transferring ownership, please contact arcgis@syr.edu
How do I transfer content to my ArcGIS for Personal Use subscription?
If you need assistance transferring content to a Personal Use organization, please contact arcgis@syr.edu.
Most ArcGIS Online content can be transferred using ArcGIS Assistant, however, one notable exception is ArcGIS StoryMaps. For assistance with content that cannot be transferred via ArcGIS Online Assistant.
How do I transfer content to another ArcGIS Online Organization?
If you need assistance transferring content to another ArcGIS Online organization, please arcgis@syr.edu. You may also need to contact the administrators of the destination organization to assist with the transfer.
Most ArcGIS Online content can be transferred using ArcGIS Assistant, however, one notable exception is ArcGIS StoryMaps. For assistance with content that cannot be transferred via ArcGIS Online Assistant, please arcgis@syr.edu.
What happens to my content after I leave if I do nothing?
The content you have stored in ArcGIS Online, such as Web Maps, StoryMaps, Feature Layers, etc., will not be deleted immediately when you leave the University, but will remain for 12 months after you leave.
Can I still use ArcGIS Pro after I leave?
No. At least not through the SU site license. You will need to obtain your own ArcGIS for Personal Use license for personal or professional development purposes which will include licensing for Pro and other ArcGIS components.
How do I obtain an ArcGIS for Personal Use subscription?
See the ArcGIS for Personal Use website for details.