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Citation Styles: APA Articles

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Digital Guides

Below are PDF versions of the citation handouts we keep at the Information Desk:

Citing Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The use of ChatGPT or other AI tools in assignments should be discussed with your instructor. As a general rule, if you are incorporating any information from an AI tool into your research assignments, you must cite the AI tool or the information that the tool is directing you to.

For more information about ChatGPT and AI, please visit the Libraries' Artificial Intelligence guide.

For faculty/instructors looking for further teaching support and development around ChatGPT and AI, contact CTLE at

For anyone with questions about ChatGPT / AI and academic integrity, contact CLASS at

Official APA, MLA, and Chicago style guidance on how to cite ChatGPT:

In-Text Citations

The following are a list of the different ways you can format your in-text citation:

Author’s name in text (no page number):
Cassell and Jenkins (2000) compared reaction times. . .

Author’s name in reference (no page number):
In a recent study of reaction times (Cassell & Jenkins, 2000). . .

Author’s name in text (page number):
According to Cuno (2008), within the last few years “archaeologists have lobbied for national and international laws, treaties, and conventions to prohibit the international movement of antiquities” (p. 1).

Author’s name in reference (page number):
The argument runs that, “The term 'Czechoslovak' had become a rich source of contention almost immediately after the state's formation” (Innes, 2001, p. 16).

Two authors in reference:
A study conducted on a college campus concluded that therapy dogs help to reduce stress in students during final examinations (Smith & Jones, 2016).

Three or more authors in reference:
Dehydration resulting from caffeine can cause severe complications from the body (Adams et al., 2012).

No known author:
A similar study was conducted around students learning how to format a research paper ("Using APA," 2019).

  • Use an abbreviated version of the title of the page in quotation marks to substitute for the name of the author

No known author or date:
In another study of students and research decision, it was discovered that students succeeded with tutoring ("Tutoring and APA," n.d).

  • Use the first few words from the title and the abbreviation n.d. ("no date")

Citing multiple sources in one parenthetical:
Monthly average temperatures are increasing at a rapid rate in the last 5-7 years (Brewster & Kolvin, 2022; Theodore et al., 2020; Weiss, 2017).

Wang (2006, 2013, 2021, in press) describes this phenomenon as...

Thendara et al. (2018), Abbott & Mitchell (2015), and Dolce & Kiern (2022) explain...

  • You may need to cite multiple sources in one parenthetical if these sources are claiming similar statements that you are paraphrasing. This indicates that there are multiple sources supporting the claim you are making.
  • Citations need to appear in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons.
  • Arrange two or more works by the same author(s) by year of publication.
  • For more information about citing multiple sources in one parenthetical for APA can be found here.

Long Quotation Format

What is Considered to be a Long Quotation?

If the quotation you use in your paper is longer than 3 lines, then it is considered to be a long quotation (also known as a "block quote").

Rules for Long Quotations

There are 4 basic rules that apply to long quotations:

  1. Place a colon at the end of the sentence that you write in order to introduce your long quotation.
  2. Start the long quotation on a new line in your Word document. Indent the long quotation 0.5 inches from the rest of the text, so it looks like a block of text.
  3. Do not put quotation marks (" ") around your long quotation.
  4. Place the period at the end of the quotation before your in-text citation instead of after, like you would with regular quotations.

Example of a Long Quotation

In order for libraries to grow and adapt to new generations, it is vital to experiment with programming and services:

The idea of experimentation is to try something new. On occasion, ideas do not always work out the way we hope, and that's okay. Assessment helps determine if an experiment is worth supporting permanently. We consider that iPad experiment at the Art & Architecture Library a failure. The few students who tried the apps, like the app Procreate, but there was not enough evidence for us to continue offering it. Even though we call it a failure, it was not a waste of time. We learned that students are interested in digital art platforms but prefer to use apps on their personal devices. (Copper, 2020, p. 79)

Article Citation

Peer-Reviewed (Scholarly) Article with a DOI


Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), page range. doi: 0000000/000000000000


 Wang, L., Wang, M., & Wen, H. (2015). Teaching practice of physical education teachers for students with special needs: An application of the theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 62(6), 590-607. doi:

In-Text Citation:

(Wang et al., 2015)

Peer-Reviewed (Scholarly) Article without a DOI


Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), page range.

NOTE: Do not include a database name, but include the database URL or web URL if there is not a DOI. If this is a print article, the citation ends at the page range.


Oliver, R. M., & Reschly, D. J. (2010). Special education teacher preparation in classroom management: Implications for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 35(3), 188-199.

In-Text Citation:

(Oliver & Reschly, 2010)

Printed Journal Article


Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), page range.


Demoiny, S. B. (2017). Are you ready? Elementary pre-service teachers perceptions about discussing race in social studies. Multicultural Education, 24(2), 25-33.

In-Text Citation:

(Demoiny, 2017)

Online Newspaper Article (i.e. New York Times & Washington Post)


Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. URL


Horowitz, J., & Harman, G. (2023, February 14). Nine survivors, buried in rubble for over a week, are rescuedThe New York Times.

In-Text Citation:

(Horowitz & Harman, 2023)

Online News Article (i.e CNN, Huffington Post, Fox News)


Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Website name. URL


Regan, H., & Yeung, J. (2020, January 10). Tens of thousands protest Australian PM's climate policies amid bushfire crisis. CNN.

In-Text Citation:

(Regan & Yeung, 2020)

Print Newspaper Article


Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper, page(s).


McWhirter, C., Ailworth, E., & Campo-Flores, A. (2017, September 13). Power outage pushes limits. The Wall Street Journal, A1, A6.

In-Text Citation:

(McWhirter et al., 2017)

Online Magazine Article with DOI


Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Magazine, volume number(issue number), page range. doi: 0000000/000000000000


Cohen, J., & Normille, D. (2020, January 10). China delivers verdict on gene editing of babies. Science, 367(6474), 130. doi: 10.1126/science.367.6474.130

In-Text Citation:

(Cohen & Normille, 2020)

Online Magazine Article (i.e. New Yorker, Time Magazine)


Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Magazine. URL.


Calhoun, A. (2020, January 6). Gen X women get less sleep than any other generation. What's keeping them up? Time.

In-Text Citation:

(Calhoun, 2020)

Printed Magazine Article


Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Magazine, volume number(issue number), page range.


Helman, C. (2017, July 27). Oil's changing face. Forbes, 200(1), 38-42.

In-Text Citation:

(Helman, 2017)

Book Review


Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of review [Review of the book Book title, by A. A. Author OR E. E. Editor, Ed.]. Journal Title/Source Title, Volume Number(Issue Number), page range. DOI or URL.


Verma, J. P. (2018, March 20). Functional importance of the plant microbiome: Implications for agriculture, forestry and bioenergy: A book review [Review of the book Functional importance of the plant microbiome: Implications for agriculture, forestry and bioenergy, by S. L. Doty, Ed.]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 178, 877-879. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.01.043

In-Text Citation:

(Verma, 2018, pp. 878)