*new since 2020-2021 on catalog listings for physical books in the SU collections is a map it button pointing to precise library floor and shelf locations of those books
There are many more choices available here in total than any WRT 105 student will want to explore, and these do not focus exclusively on Syracuse (the city) or Syracuse University alone. However, often one can find very interesting primary source deeply historical texts when searching those place names (or other related words or phrases) in some of these historical databases, or unique deeply historical page imaged magazine collections.
Art, architecture, and archaeology images including images from the Smithsonian, the MoMA collection for architecture and design and the Schlesinger photograph collection on the history of women in America.
Locating Syracuse sources using Advanced SUMMON searches
Enter "Syracuse (N.Y.)",OR ALTERNATIVELY, "Syracuse University", using the subject terms search field on Summon's advanced search screen. Other words or phrases for events, locations, persons, organizations, etc. at SU or associated with the city can also be searched using simple keyword searches in SUMMON (known as the "all fields" search).
Locating Syracuse sources using the Classic Catalog
Enter "Syracuse (N.Y.)", OR ALTERNATIVELY, "Syracuse University", using a subject heading search
SU Libraries Image Databases, A to Z List
Specific databases of note on that larger image databases list that may be useful, include:
Art, architecture, and archaeology images including images from the Smithsonian, the MoMA collection for architecture and design and the Schlesinger photograph collection on the history of women in America.
SU Libraries Search can also be used to zero in on image content, when applying search result filters relevant to images or video.
When doing an advanced SU Libraries Search for a word or phrase(s) of interest, books (both physical and ebooks) with substantial image content can be located if one enters the phrase "pictorial works" as a subject search (in addition to other search terminology). In the advanced search screen, choose "subject" from the menu of search fields, instead of using "any field." This technique also works when using the subject field on that advanced search screen to search for the word "photography"
Photojournalism local to the Syracuse region can also be retrieved using the news databases, Syracuse News Sources and/or Newspaperarchive.com
More national and international photojournalism can be seen in the two newspaper databases - PressReader and also ProQuest News & Newspapers (for the latter using an advanced search, select the document type called "image/photograph" as a desired "document type" search result filter and then also apply the source type filter called "historical newspapers").
Some images are available immediately online of they are part of SCRC Digital Collections
Those interested in images in the context of SU Libraries Special Collections (6th Floor, Bird Library) can search a topic, place, person, or organization of interest using SU Libraries Special Collections Research Center Finding Aids -and then refine results looking to those items classified under types of material such as "photographs" or "film stills" or "picture postcards" or other image based materials
Exploring Special Collections at Syracuse University
Enter "Syracuse" or "Syracuse University" or other search terms of interest into the "search the collections" query window at https://library.syr.edu/scrc/collections/search.php OR leave the query window blank, click search & then look to extensive lists of finding aid links at the left margin for names, subjects and subject strengths (see especially entries for Syracuse, Syracuse University and/or New York State)
SCRC: Information on visiting; 6th Floor, Bird Library- https://library.syr.edu/scrc/visit/index.php
Exploring University Archives at Syracuse University
The Archives is dedicated to preserving records that document the history, organization, policies, activities, and people of the University, and making those records available to researchers.
Additional News Databases (for national coverage of local or regional or SU campus topics, events, persons, organizations, etc.)
News, business, and legal sources covering world news and companies, and including U.S. Supreme Court decisions, state, federal and international law, regulations, and law reviews.
Databases Leading to Scholarly Journal Articles
..or select subject specific databases or content type specific databases from the library's databases A-Z list - https://library.syr.edu/databases