If you determine that your question is suited to a systematic review, you will then want to search for recent or upcoming reviews on your topic or on similar topics, to ensure that your review will not be duplicating someone else's efforts and that you will be adding something new to the literature.
A subject librarian can help you to search for recently published reviews on your topic, as well as searching systematic review protocol registries. Here's a short list of registries in which to search.
After you develop your team and a preliminary research question, conduct searches to make sure a systematic review is already published on your research question. This preliminary searching can also help refine your research question as well as inform your research strategy plan. If a review has been published on your research question, look it over closely to ensure its rigor, comprehensiveness, and reproducibility. Just because it states its a systematic review doesn't mean that it is.
Systematic reviews are becoming more prevalent in disciplines other than health and medicine, there are a wealth of databases to consider as you decide on a core set that's appropriate for your research question. This is not a comprehensive list. Some of these are subscription databases and some are trusted open source resources available on the web. This list contains content that we currently have access to at SU. Contact your subject librarian if you have any questions using these or accessing others that do not appear here.
Consider these and others in the Social Sciences category.
In addition to the resources listed above, consider these additional databases.