Contact the SULA Board at
Please don't hesitate to contact any member of the SULA executive board with any questions or suggestions for improving our support for all SU Libraries staff.
Sarah Allis (co-chair)
Digital Content Coordinator
Digital Stewardship
Aly Marzouq (co-chair)
Office Supervisor
Law Library
Sean Horsford (member-at-large)
Digital Media Librarian
Digital Stewardship
Stephen Huffaker (member-at-large)
Library Technician
Access and Resource Sharing, Business, Academic Success
Liz Scott (member-at-large)
Library Technician
Acquisitions and Cataloging, Business, Research Excellence
Jem Pope (EFCT Rep)
Access Services Supervisor
Access and Resource Sharing, Business, Academic Success
Patty Giles (PCDC Rep)
Reference and Instruction Librarian
Learning & Academic Engagement
Voyager Retirement Party, Thursday June 13, 2pm-4pm.
The purpose of the Syracuse University Libraries Assembly shall be to provide a forum for communication to promote collegial exchange about library-related issues and the development of its members. It will act in an advisory capacity to the Libraries Administration, when requested. Its primary goal shall be to contribute to the excellence of Syracuse University Libraries and Syracuse University.
Syracuse University Libraries Assembly shall consist of all library staff members within Syracuse University Libraries. All persons holding temporary and part-time appointments in a capacity as defined in the above sentence shall also be members during their employment. Members hold full voting privileges.
Associate Members of Syracuse University Libraries Assembly shall include, but not be exclusive to, retired staff members of Syracuse University Libraries and Syracuse University Law Library who have held positions as defined under Members, visiting professionals and student interns. Associate Members may attend all business meetings and programs. They may not serve as Executive Board Officers or vote on issues brought before the membership. Associate Members may serve as adjunct members on SULA committees at the Executive Board's discretion.
For more information about SULA, please take a look at the current SULA bylaws, available in the box below.
The Charge: The Nominating Committee helps recruit candidates for all elected offices of the SULA Executive Board, supervises the elections, and reports the results to the current SULA Executive Board. This summer, the Nominating Committee will help coordinate elections for a SULA co-chair position and two member-at-large positions.
The Committee: The Nominating Committee consists of three members appointed by the Executive Board. Members serve staggered two-year terms, and 2 current member of the Nominating Committee will be serving the second/final year of their terms.
The Process: You may submit your name to any member of the current SULA Executive Board before the deadline. The name of the new Nominating Committee member will be drawn from the pool of volunteers and announced by the Executive Board.