Use the Database tab in the red box on the SU Libraries' web site and click on the "browse databases" link. This will lead you to a page where the databases are arranged into broad subject areas.
On that page, scroll down to the Social Sciences and click on the "Latin American Studies" link. That will lead you to a list of the databases on Latin American Studies:
Latin American
Latin American news sources and reports covering events, the economy, security, and more.
General Newspaper Databases
News, business, and legal sources covering world news and companies, and including U.S. Supreme Court decisions, state, federal and international law, regulations, and law reviews.
Abstracts and citations of journals, books, conference proceedings, and patents covering science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, includes Scopus AI.
If you see this next to the record for an article in an SU Libraries database, click on it to see if the full-text is available online.
PLACA Photo Gallery page
SURFACE, the Syracuse University Research Facility And Collaborative Environment, is a full-text, multi-media online database that provides open access to the extensive and diverse array of scholarly, professional, scientific, and creative output produced at Syracuse University.
Latin American Open Archives Portal
The Latin American Open Archives Portal is a project of the Latin Americanist Research Resources Project - LARRP, in collaboration with the Latin American Network Information Center - LANIC, to improve access to social sciences grey literature produced in Latin America.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
The aim of DOAJ is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact.