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Syracuse University Libraries

Library Research Guide for ENL 213


This guide is designed for students in ENL 213. It includes research tips, videos and other information to help you get started on your research assignments.

It should take you about 45 minutes to one hour to complete this guide. Follow the steps along the left side of the screen and complete the worksheet (see below) as you go.


This guide will help you learn to:

1. Refine research topics and identify search terms.

2. Use tools on the library website to find information (SUMMON, Databases, Research Guides). 

3. Understand the differences between scholarly and other sources.

4. Find sources (e.g., books, articles) on your research topic.

In-Class Worksheets & Links

ENL 213 Research Practice Worksheet

Throughout the guide, you will use the ENL 213 Research Practice Worksheet (see link to MS Word document below). Please complete each section of this worksheet when prompted in order to practice refining your research topic as well as using the Research Guides, Summon, and databases on the SU Libraries website. You will share your completed worksheet with your instructor as directed.