Docuseek2 is an extensive collection of documentary and educational films from dozens of independent distributors. When on the item record page for a specific documentary one wishes to integrate into one's course, use the embed link to choose from several linking options. Below is an example, using the case of a documentary from Icarus films about student activists in South Africa seeking to improve access to a college education.
- Click on the link labeled embed located toward the bottom of the item record for a documentary video of interest
- As depicted below, this will open up three options, including a permanent link one can embed, or a full embed code if that is preferred, as well as an LTI embed option, which is a more secure manner some may prefer when embedding Docuseek2 videos into course management systems like Blackboard
- For the example documentary below, a cut and paste of this permanent link URL should work for on-campus as well as off-campus video access for all current SU NETID holding students, staff or faculty ( ) - please also note that for instances where Docuseek's permanent URLs contain a URL prefix of http:// - in both places where that appears in the URL, add an "s" to both - resulting in two appearances within the permanent link of https:// - Not doing switching the http:// to https:// will mean some browsers will not be able to view the site.
- As also depicted below, one will note that the pop-up window presenting the various embedding options, also links out to Docuseek's own support website providing additional "embedding help"