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Syracuse University Libraries

Syracuse Abroad - Syracuse Madrid Resources: WGS

A collection of resources for Syracuse University Abroad's Madrid Program.

WGS: Finding Background Information

For basic background information, overviews, and links to other related resources, check out these reference sources:

WGS: Finding Articles

For articles from journals, newspapers, and other periodicals, check out these article and abstract databases:

  • GenderWatch
    Full-text publications that focus on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas.
  • Contemporary Women's Issues
    Full-text articles on a broad range of women's issues, bringing together such disciplines as sociology, psychology, health, education, child and family studies, marriage and family therapy, aging, gerontology and human rights.
  • Sociological Abstracts
    Bibliographic coverage of sociology, social work, aging, gerontology, child and family studies, marriage and family therapy and other social sciences.
  • Ethnic NewsWatch
    Full-text articles from newspapers and periodicals published by the ethnic and minority press in America.
  • Race Relations Abstracts
    Includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to race relations, including ethnic studies, discrimination, immigration studies, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.

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