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Communication and Rhetorical Studies Resources: Reference Works

Online Reference Resources

Dictionaries, Encyclopedias & Guides

Journal literature and Reviews of research:

  • Communication Yearbook
    Communication Yearbook 37 continues the tradition of publishing state-of-the-discipline literature reviews and essays. Editor Elisia Cohen presents a volume that is highly international and interdisciplinary in scope, with authors and chapters representing the broad global interests of the International Communication Association.

  • Journals of Communication
    Articles and book reviews examining a broad range of issues in communication theory, research, practice and policy.




  • Dictionary of Media & Communication Studies
    The Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies has provided students and the general public alike with a gateway into the study of intercultural communication, public relations and marketing communications since 1984

  • A Dictionary of Media & Communications
    The most accessible and up-to-date dictionary of its kind, this wide-ranging A–Z covers both interpersonal and mass communication, in all their myriad forms, encompassing advertising, digital culture, journalism, new media, telecommunications, and visual culture, among many other topics.

  • Encyclopedic dictionary of semiotics, media, and communications
    This dictionary is designed to help students and general readers unlock the significance of the terminology and jargon commonly used in these fields.

  • Sourcebook on Rhetoric
    This book is designed to introduce readers to the language of contemporary rhetorical studies.



  • The SAGE handbook of rhetorical studies
    The SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies surveys the latest advances in rhetorical scholarship, synthesizing theories and practices across major areas of study in the field and pointing the way for future studies.
  • Encyclopedia of Rhetoric
    The Encyclopedia of Rhetoric is a comprehensive survey of one of the Western world's oldest disciplines.

  • The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society
    The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society offers critical assessments of theoretical and applied research on digitally-mediated communication, a central area of study in the 21st century.

  • International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences
    This Encyclopedia is the first attempt in a generation to map the social and behavioral sciences on a grand scale.

  • Encyclopedia of New Media: An Essential Reference To Communication and Technology
    Edited by Steve Jones, one of the leading scholars and founders of this emerging field, and with contributions from an international group of scholars as well as science and technology writers and editors, the Encyclopedia of New Media widens the boundaries of today's information society through interdisciplinary, historical, and international coverage.

  • Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications
  • Explores the ways that editorial content--from journalism and scholarship to films and infomercials--is developed, presented, stored, analyzed, and regulated around the world. For readers and researchers of all levels, the Encyclopedia provides perspective and context about content, delivery systems, and their myriad relationships, as well as clearly drawn avenues for further research.

  • The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction
    The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction is an invaluable reference work featuring contributions from leading global scholars that successfully brings into a single source, explication of Language and Social Interaction work developing globally and across subjects.

Writing Guides:

Historical Reference:

Topic Guides:

  • Interpersonal Communication
    Interpersonal communication has been studied in terms of both communication functions and specialized contexts. This handbook comprehensively covers the field including research on processes of social influence, the role of communication in the development, maintenance and decline of close personal relationships, nonverbal communication, cognitive approaches, communication and conflict, bargaining and negotiation, health communication, organizational socialization and supervisor-subordinate communication, social networks, and technologically-mediated interpersonal communication.

  • Rhetorical Argumentation : Principles of Theory and Practice
    Rhetorical Argumentation: Principles of Theory and Practice approaches argumentation from a rhetorical point of view and demonstrates how logical and dialectical considerations depend on the rhetorical features of the argumentative situation.

  • Sourcebook on Rhetoric: Key Concepts in Contemporary Rhetorical Studies
    This book is designed to introduce readers to the language of contemporary rhetorical studies. The book format is an alphabetized glossary (with appropriate cross listings) of key terms and concepts in contemporary rhetorical studies. An introductory chapter outlines the definitional ambiguities of the central concept of rhetoric itself.

  • Rhetoric in Detail: Discourse Analyses of Rhetorical Talk and Text
    The eleven studies in this volume illustrate and advance the synthesis of discourse analysis with rhetorical studies.


Research methodology:

  • Understanding the Research Process
    This book helps students understand the use of specialist vocabulary and terminology of educational and social science research.

  • Developing Research Proposals
    Developing Research Proposals will help readers to understand the context within which their proposal will be read, what the reviewers are looking for and will be influenced by, while also supporting the development of relevant skills through advice and practical activities.

  • Basic Research Methods : An Entry to Social Science Research 
    This book offers a comprehensive and well-rounded view of research as a tool for problem-solving in the wide range of the social sciences.